Bidirectional motility of kinesin-5 motor proteins: structural determinants, cumulative functions and physiological roles

SK Singh, H Pandey, J Al-Bassam, L Gheber - Cellular and Molecular Life …, 2018 - Springer
Mitotic kinesin-5 bipolar motor proteins perform essential functions in mitotic spindle
dynamics by crosslinking and sliding antiparallel microtubules (MTs) apart within the mitotic …

Systematic exploration of essential yeast gene function with temperature-sensitive mutants

Z Li, FJ Vizeacoumar, S Bahr, J Li, J Warringer… - Nature …, 2011 -
Conditional temperature-sensitive (ts) mutations are valuable reagents for studying essential
genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We constructed 787 ts strains, covering 497 …

Understanding force-generating microtubule systems through in vitro reconstitution

M Vleugel, M Kok, M Dogterom - Cell adhesion & migration, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Microtubules switch between growing and shrinking states, a feature known as dynamic
instability. The biochemical parameters underlying dynamic instability are modulated by a …

KIF4 regulates midzone length during cytokinesis

CK Hu, M Coughlin, CM Field, TJ Mitchison - Current Biology, 2011 -
Background Midzones, also called central spindles, are an array of antiparallel microtubules
that form during cytokinesis between the separated chromosomes. Midzones can be …

Directionality of individual kinesin‐5 Cin8 motors is modulated by loop 8, ionic strength and microtubule geometry

A Gerson‐Gurwitz, C Thiede, N Movshovich… - The EMBO …, 2011 -
Kinesin‐5 motors fulfil essential roles in mitotic spindle morphogenesis and dynamics as
slow, processive microtubule (MT) plus‐end directed motors. The Saccharomyces …

Kinesin-5 Kip1 is a bi-directional motor that stabilizes microtubules and tracks their plus-ends in vivo

V Fridman, A Gerson-Gurwitz, O Shapira… - Journal of cell …, 2013 -
In this study, we examined the anaphase functions of the S. cerevisiae kinesin-5 homolog
Kip1. We show that Kip1 is attached to the mitotic spindle midzone during late anaphase …

Physical determinants of bipolar mitotic spindle assembly and stability in fission yeast

R Blackwell, C Edelmaier, O Sweezy-Schindler… - Biophysical …, 2017 -
Robert Blackwell, Christopher Edelmaier, Oliver Sweezy-Schindler, Adam Lamson, Zachary
Gergely, Eileen O'Toole, Ammon Crapo, Loren Hough, Richard McIntosh, Matthew Glaser …

[BOK][B] Embryogenesis explained

NK Gordon, R Gordon - 2016 -
The greatest mystery of life is how a single fertilized egg develops into a fully functioning,
sometimes conscious multicellular organism. Embryogenesis Explained offers a new theory …

A potential physiological role for bi-directional motility and motor clustering of mitotic kinesin-5 Cin8 in yeast mitosis

O Shapira, A Goldstein, J Al-Bassam… - Journal of cell …, 2017 -
The bipolar kinesin-5 Cin8 switches from minus-to plus-end-directed motility under various
conditions in vitro. The mechanism and physiological significance of this switch remain …

Phospho-regulation of kinesin-5 during anaphase spindle elongation

R Avunie-Masala, N Movshovich… - Journal of cell …, 2011 -
The kinesin-5 Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue Cin8 is shown here to be differentially
phosphorylated during late anaphase at Cdk1-specific sites located in its motor domain …