[КНИГА][B] Key concepts for understanding curriculum

C Marsh - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum is an invaluable guide for all involved in
curriculum matters. Now fully updated, this revised and enlarged fourth edition provides not …

Measuring knowledge of technology usage and stages of concern about computing: A study of middle school teachers

NE Atkins, ES Vasu - Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 2000 - learntechlib.org
This study examined middle school teachers' concerns, knowledge, and use of technology
in teaching, and how these related to their school's level of technology integration. The …

Professional development needs, support, and barriers: TALIS US new and veteran teachers' perspectives

S Zhang, Q Shi, E Lin - Professional development in education, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Drawing on 1508 US secondary teachers' data from Teaching and Learning International
Survey (TALIS) 2013, this study examines new and veteran US teachers' needs, support …

Teachers' job characteristics and motivation

C Barnabé, M Burns - Educational research, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
Summary The Job Characteristics Model of Motivation, developed by Hackman and Oldham,
proposed interactive relationships between job characteristics, psychological states and …

Motivation and demotivation of teachers in primary schools: The challenge of change

R Addison, M Brundrett - Education 3–13, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Motivation is crucial to both individual and organisational performance and even a very able
and well-trained member of staff will not perform effectively unless they are motivated to do …

Secondary school teachers' professional development in Australia and shanghai: needs, support, and barriers

G Fang, PWK Chan, P Kalogeropoulos - Sage Open, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Using data from the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS; 2013), this article
explores teachers' needs, support, and barriers in their professional development. The …

Heading for new shores? Longitudinal participation patterns in teacher professional development

T Fütterer, N Hübner, C Fischer… - European Journal of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Recent research indicated the advantages of diversified teacher professional development
participation patterns (PDPP) to foster teachers' professionalisation. This study investigated …

Linking teacher compensation to teacher career development

S Conley, A Odden - Educational Evaluation and Policy …, 1995 - journals.sagepub.com
Pay can be primarily based on individual or organizational performance, job tasks, or skills
and knowledge. This article suggests that teacher skill-and knowledge-based pay plans in …

An analysis of the influence of technology training on teacher stages of concern regarding the use of instructional technology in schools

HB Casey, GC Rakes - Journal of Computing in Teacher …, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
This study examined how PK–12 teachers' concerns about instructional technology relate to
the technology training they have received. Teachers' concerns were measured using the …

Graduate teacher motivation for choosing a job in education

R De Cooman, S De Gieter, R Pepermans… - International Journal for …, 2007 - Springer
This article compares individuals already in teaching and non-teaching teacher graduates,
and explores the motivation to pursue a teaching job based on job motives and work values …