Nonlinear mesoscopic elasticity: Evidence for a new class of materials
A squash ball almost doesn't bounce; a Superball bounces first left then right, seeming to
have a mind of its own. Remarkable and complex elastic behavior isn't confined to sports …
have a mind of its own. Remarkable and complex elastic behavior isn't confined to sports …
Dynamic soil properties for microzonation of Delhi, India
Delhi, the capital of India, has experienced mild seismic shaking during several earthquakes
in the past. The large variations of depth to bedrock and ground water table coupled with …
in the past. The large variations of depth to bedrock and ground water table coupled with …
Seismic soil classification of Italy based on surface geology and shear-wave velocity measurements
During an earthquake the seismic wave amplification related to local site conditions can
have a significant impact on the ground motion. In order to account for these local effects …
have a significant impact on the ground motion. In order to account for these local effects …
Liquefaction experiment and analysis projects (LEAP): Summary of observations from the planning phase
The LEAP international collaboratory is introduced and its key objectives and main
accomplishments during the planning phase of the US-LEAP (LEAP-2015) are presented …
accomplishments during the planning phase of the US-LEAP (LEAP-2015) are presented …
LEAP projects: Concept and challenges
The Liquefaction Experiment and Analysis Project (LEAP), an international research
collaboration among researchers from the US, UK, Japan, China and Taiwan, is a validation …
collaboration among researchers from the US, UK, Japan, China and Taiwan, is a validation …
Large-scale shake table testing of shallow tunnel-ground system
Soil-structure interaction (SSI) is of critical importance in evaluating the seismic response of
shallow tunnels. Experimental observations are crucial in assessing the influence of the …
shallow tunnels. Experimental observations are crucial in assessing the influence of the …
Simplified site response analysis for regional seismic risk assessments
Seismic risk assessment on a regional scale requires an estimation of ground motion
intensity and its spatial variation over large geographical areas. This task is particularly …
intensity and its spatial variation over large geographical areas. This task is particularly …
A survey of geotechnical system identification techniques
Identification and inverse problem techniques play an important role in the characterization
and modeling of geotechnical systems. These techniques have been used in estimation of …
and modeling of geotechnical systems. These techniques have been used in estimation of …
Finite element response sensitivity analysis of multi-yield-surface J2 plasticity model by direct differentiation method
Finite element (FE) response sensitivity analysis is an essential tool for gradient-based
optimization methods used in various sub-fields of civil engineering such as structural …
optimization methods used in various sub-fields of civil engineering such as structural …
Influence of horizontally variable soil properties on nonlinear seismic site response and ground motion coherency
The objective of this study is to quantify the effect of the spatial variability of soil properties on
site response and ground motion coherency. A 2D random field theory is used to simulate …
site response and ground motion coherency. A 2D random field theory is used to simulate …