Nonlinear sigma models for monitored dynamics of free fermions

M Fava, L Piroli, T Swann, D Bernard, A Nahum - Physical Review X, 2023 - APS
We derive field theory descriptions for measurement-induced phase transitions in free
fermion systems. We focus on a multiflavor Majorana chain, undergoing Hamiltonian …

Theory of free fermions under random projective measurements

I Poboiko, P Pöpperl, IV Gornyi, AD Mirlin - Physical Review X, 2023 - APS
We develop an analytical approach to the study of one-dimensional free fermions subject to
random projective measurements of local site occupation numbers, based on the Keldysh …

Entanglement transitions from stochastic resetting of non-Hermitian quasiparticles

X Turkeshi, M Dalmonte, R Fazio, M Schirò - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
We put forward a phenomenological theory for entanglement dynamics in monitored
quantum many-body systems with well-defined quasiparticles. Within this theory …

Measurement-induced phase transition for free fermions above one dimension

I Poboiko, IV Gornyi, AD Mirlin - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
A theory of the measurement-induced entanglement phase transition for free-fermion
models in d> 1 dimensions is developed. The critical point separates a gapless phase with ℓ …

Controlling entanglement at absorbing state phase transitions in random circuits

P Sierant, X Turkeshi - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
Many-body unitary dynamics interspersed with repeated measurements display a rich
phenomenology hallmarked by measurement-induced phase transitions. Employing …

Multipartite entanglement in the measurement-induced phase transition of the quantum ising chain

A Paviglianiti, A Silva - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
External monitoring of quantum many-body systems can give rise to a measurement-
induced phase transition characterized by a change in behavior of the entanglement entropy …

Measurement-induced criticality in extended and long-range unitary circuits

S Sharma, X Turkeshi, R Fazio, M Dalmonte - SciPost Physics Core, 2022 -
We explore the dynamical phases of unitary Clifford circuits with variable-range interactions,
coupled to a monitoring environment. We investigate two classes of models, distinguished …

Purification timescales in monitored fermions

H Lóio, A De Luca, J De Nardis, X Turkeshi - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We investigate the crucial role played by a global symmetry in the purification timescales
and the phase transitions of monitored free fermionic systems separating a mixed and a …

Full counting statistics as probe of measurement-induced transitions in the quantum Ising chain

E Tirrito, A Santini, R Fazio, M Collura - SciPost Physics, 2023 -
Non-equilibrium dynamics of many-body quantum systems under the effect of measurement
protocols is attracting an increasing amount of attention. It has been recently revealed that …

Enhanced entanglement negativity in boundary-driven monitored fermionic chains

X Turkeshi, L Piroli, M Schiró - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
We investigate entanglement dynamics in continuously monitored open quantum systems
featuring current-carrying nonequilibrium states. We focus on a prototypical one …