Self-supervised learning for recommender systems: A survey
In recent years, neural architecture-based recommender systems have achieved
tremendous success, but they still fall short of expectation when dealing with highly sparse …
tremendous success, but they still fall short of expectation when dealing with highly sparse …
Analysis of recommender system using generative artificial intelligence: A systematic literature review
Recommender Systems (RSs), which generate personalized content, have become a
technological tool with diverse applications for users. While numerous RSs have been …
technological tool with diverse applications for users. While numerous RSs have been …
Self-supervised multi-channel hypergraph convolutional network for social recommendation
Social relations are often used to improve recommendation quality when user-item
interaction data is sparse in recommender systems. Most existing social recommendation …
interaction data is sparse in recommender systems. Most existing social recommendation …
Diffusion recommender model
Generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Auto-
Encoders (VAEs) are widely utilized to model the generative process of user interactions …
Encoders (VAEs) are widely utilized to model the generative process of user interactions …
Double-scale self-supervised hypergraph learning for group recommendation
With the prevalence of social media, there has recently been a proliferation of
recommenders that shift their focus from individual modeling to group recommendation …
recommenders that shift their focus from individual modeling to group recommendation …
Deep learning-embedded social internet of things for ambiguity-aware social recommendations
With the increasing demand of users for personalized social services, social
recommendation (SR) has been an important concern in academia. However, current …
recommendation (SR) has been an important concern in academia. However, current …
Denoising diffusion recommender model
Recommender systems often grapple with noisy implicit feedback. Most studies alleviate the
noise issues from data cleaning perspective such as data resampling and reweighting, but …
noise issues from data cleaning perspective such as data resampling and reweighting, but …
Multi-graph heterogeneous interaction fusion for social recommendation
With the rapid development of online social recommendation system, substantial methods
have been proposed. Unlike traditional recommendation system, social recommendation …
have been proposed. Unlike traditional recommendation system, social recommendation …
Diffmm: Multi-modal diffusion model for recommendation
The rise of online multi-modal sharing platforms like TikTok and YouTube has enabled
personalized recommender systems to incorporate multiple modalities (such as visual …
personalized recommender systems to incorporate multiple modalities (such as visual …
Privacy-preserving synthetic data generation for recommendation systems
Recommendation systems make predictions chiefly based on users' historical interaction
data (eg, items previously clicked or purchased). There is a risk of privacy leakage when …
data (eg, items previously clicked or purchased). There is a risk of privacy leakage when …