Phytochrome (S): The main agent of action of low-intensity He–Ne laser radiation on seeds of cultivated plants: A review
L Dudareva - Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2024 - Springer
The review provides a detailed analysis of published data on the use of low-intensity laser
radiation (LILR) in the red spectral region for pre-sowing treatment of seeds of cultivated …
radiation (LILR) in the red spectral region for pre-sowing treatment of seeds of cultivated …
[HTML][HTML] Laser light and magnetic field stimulation effect on biochemical, enzymes activities and chlorophyll contents in soybean seeds and seedlings during early …
T Asghar, Y Jamil, M Iqbal, M Abbas - Journal of Photochemistry and …, 2016 - Elsevier
Laser and magnetic field bio-stimulation attracted the keen interest of scientific community in
view of their potential to enhance seed germination, seedling growth, physiological …
view of their potential to enhance seed germination, seedling growth, physiological …
Laser light as a promising approach to improve the nutritional value, antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoid-rich buckwheat sprouts
Buckwheat sprouts are rich in several nutrients such as antioxidant flavonoids that have a
positive impact on human health. Although there are several studies reported the positive …
positive impact on human health. Although there are several studies reported the positive …
Physiological and transcriptome analysis of He-Ne laser pretreated wheat seedlings in response to drought stress
Z Qiu, M Yuan, Y He, Y Li, L Zhang - Scientific reports, 2017 - nature.com
Drought stress is a serious problem worldwide that reduces crop productivity. The laser has
been shown to play a positive physiological role in enhancing plant seedlings tolerance to …
been shown to play a positive physiological role in enhancing plant seedlings tolerance to …
[HTML][HTML] Quantitative determination of the effects of He–Ne laser irradiation on seed thermodynamics, germination attributes and metabolites of safflower (Carthamus …
The present investigation was undertaken to assess the effects of different doses (100, 300,
and 500 mJ) of low power He–Ne laser (632.8 nm) irradiation on seed germination and …
and 500 mJ) of low power He–Ne laser (632.8 nm) irradiation on seed germination and …
He–Ne laser accelerates seed germination by modulating growth hormones and reprogramming metabolism in brinjal
A plant's ability to maximize seed germination, growth, and photosynthetic productivity
depends on its aptitude to sense, evaluate, and respond to the quality, quantity, and …
depends on its aptitude to sense, evaluate, and respond to the quality, quantity, and …
He–Ne laser pretreatment protects wheat seedlings against cadmium-induced oxidative stress
ZB Qiu, JT Li, MM Zhang, ZZ Bi, ZL Li - Ecotoxicology and Environmental …, 2013 - Elsevier
The aim of the investigation is to determine the effect of He–Ne laser pretreatment of wheat
seeds on the resistance of seedlings to cadmium stress. Changes in physiological …
seeds on the resistance of seedlings to cadmium stress. Changes in physiological …
[HTML][HTML] Bioestimulación láser en semillas y plantas
C Hernández-Aguilar, A Domínguez-Pacheco… - Gayana …, 2016 - SciELO Chile
Diversos láseres han demostrado ser potencialmente útiles a determinados parámetros de
irradiación y podrían beneficiar el establecimiento de siembra en condiciones adversas por …
irradiación y podrían beneficiar el establecimiento de siembra en condiciones adversas por …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of Laser Biostimulation on Germination of Sub-Optimally Stored Flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum)
Sub-optimal storage of grains could deteriorate seed germination and plant viability. Recent
research studies have established that laser biostimulation of seeds could be used as a safe …
research studies have established that laser biostimulation of seeds could be used as a safe …
He–Ne Laser Enhances Seed Germination and Salt Acclimation in Salvia officinalis Seedlings in a Manner Dependent on Phytochrome and H2O2
F Mardani Korrani, R Amooaghaie, A Ahadi - Protoplasma, 2023 - Springer
In the current study the role of H2O2 in He–Ne laser-induced effects on seed germination
and post-germinative performance of Salvia officinalis seedlings was assessed under both …
and post-germinative performance of Salvia officinalis seedlings was assessed under both …