Ultrasonic pulse velocity as a way of improving uniaxial compressive strength estimations from Leeb hardness measurements
Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is one of the most important parameters in rock
mechanics. Nevertheless, there are instances when it is not advisable to perform UCS …
mechanics. Nevertheless, there are instances when it is not advisable to perform UCS …
The impact of hydrothermal alteration on the physiochemical characteristics of reservoir rocks: the case of the Los Humeros geothermal field (Mexico)
Hydrothermal alteration is a common process in active geothermal systems and can
significantly change the physiochemical properties of rocks. To improve reservoir …
significantly change the physiochemical properties of rocks. To improve reservoir …
A characterisation study of ignimbrites of Tenerife Island employed as building stone
JA Valido, JM Cáceres, L Sousa - Environmental Earth Sciences, 2023 - Springer
The objective of this study is to evaluate the petrophysical properties of four ignimbrites
employed as dimension stones. The natural stone under study is produced in Tenerife …
employed as dimension stones. The natural stone under study is produced in Tenerife …
Petrophysical characterization of the Los Humeros geothermal field (Mexico): from outcrop to parametrization of a 3D geological model
LM Weydt, K Bär, I Sass - Geothermal Energy, 2022 - Springer
Abstract The Los Humeros Volcanic Complex has been characterized as a suitable target for
develo** a super-hot geothermal system (> 350° C). For the interpretation of geophysical …
develo** a super-hot geothermal system (> 350° C). For the interpretation of geophysical …
Investigation of the change in physical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of Ahlat ignimbrites under the effect of environment and freeze-thawing
ZF Akbulut - Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2022 - Springer
This study aimed to investigate the changes in physical, mechanical, and microstructural
properties of Ahlat ignimbrites, which have been widely used in the exterior of buildings in …
properties of Ahlat ignimbrites, which have been widely used in the exterior of buildings in …
Investigation of the relationships between basic physical and mechanical properties and abrasion wear resistance of several natural building stones used in Turkey
From the past to the present, natural building stone has been used as construction materials
in important buildings, architectural works, and civil engineering projects due to its …
in important buildings, architectural works, and civil engineering projects due to its …
Characterization analyzes in the geomechanical behavior of travertine rock
CA Luza Huillca, HG Jiménez Pacheco… - SN Applied …, 2023 - Springer
There is a fundamental interest in studying travertine rocks, and this is to understand their
structure, their geomechanical behavior and other particularities in order to guarantee their …
structure, their geomechanical behavior and other particularities in order to guarantee their …
Understanding the Geotechnical Behaviour of Pumiceous Soil: A Review.
B Elankumaran, KL de Graaf, RP Orense - Geotechnics, 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
Pumiceous deposits, commonly found in volcanic regions such as the Ring of Fire and the
Alpide Belt, pose significant engineering challenges due to the presence of highly crushable …
Alpide Belt, pose significant engineering challenges due to the presence of highly crushable …
Minero-petrographical, physical, and mechanical properties of moderately welded ignimbrite as a traditional building stone from Uşak Region (SW Turkey)
Ignimbrites are commonly used building stone since the ancient times because of its
lightweight, soft, and insulating properties. However, they are prone to deteriorate due to …
lightweight, soft, and insulating properties. However, they are prone to deteriorate due to …
Quantitative evolution of the petrophysical properties of andesites affected by argillic alteration in the hydrothermal system of Petite Anse-Diamant, Martinique
C Delayre, PP Mas, P Sardini, P Cosenza… - Journal of Volcanology …, 2020 - Elsevier
The evolution of the petrophysical properties of rocks induced by hydrothermal alteration is
often considered qualitatively by sorting the hydrothermal alterations encountered from low …
often considered qualitatively by sorting the hydrothermal alterations encountered from low …