Taxonomic review of living planktonic foraminifera
Applications of fossil shells of planktonic foraminifera to decipher past environmental
change and plankton evolution require a robust operational taxonomy. In this respect, extant …
change and plankton evolution require a robust operational taxonomy. In this respect, extant …
A review of the importance of the Caribbean region in Oligo-Miocene low latitude planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and the implications for modern …
Planktonic foraminifera are widely used in marine biostratigraphy thanks to their small size,
limited stratigraphic range and abundance in oceanic sediments. The utility of planktonic …
limited stratigraphic range and abundance in oceanic sediments. The utility of planktonic …
Drastic vegetation change in the Guajira Peninsula (Colombia) during the Neogene
Dry biomes occupy~ 35% of the landscape in the Neotropics, but these are heavily human‐
disturbed. In spite of their importance, we still do not fully understand their origins and how …
disturbed. In spite of their importance, we still do not fully understand their origins and how …
Late Neogene and Quaternary diversity and taxonomy of subtropical to temperate planktic foraminifera across the Kuroshio Current Extension, northwest Pacific …
Patterns of diversity in the modern planktic foraminifera indicate a latitudinal diversity
gradient (LDG), which peaks in the mid-latitude regions. Plankton distributional patterns are …
gradient (LDG), which peaks in the mid-latitude regions. Plankton distributional patterns are …
Lower to Middle Miocene multiproxy biostratigraphy of the P-18 core-stratigraphic well in Sinú-San Jacinto Basin, Caribbean region of Colombia
M Duque-Castaño, R Trejos-Tamayo… - Journal of South …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract A Lower-to-Middle Miocene core-stratigraphic section, P-18 well, was drilled in the
Sinú-San Jacinto Basin (SSJB) in the Caribbean region of Colombia, showing exceptionally …
Sinú-San Jacinto Basin (SSJB) in the Caribbean region of Colombia, showing exceptionally …
Diachroneity rules the mid-latitudes: A test case using Late Neogene planktic foraminifera across the Western Pacific
Planktic foraminifera are commonly used for first-order age control in deep-sea sediments
from low-latitude regions based on a robust tropical–subtropical zonation scheme. Although …
from low-latitude regions based on a robust tropical–subtropical zonation scheme. Although …
Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir quality of the Gulf of Suez syn-rift deposits of the Nukhul formation: Implications of rift initiation and the impact of eustacy and …
Abstract The Nukhul Formation represents the sediments deposited during the earliest
phase of the syn-rift period in the Gulf of Suez rift. It is the primary hydrocarbon reservoir for …
phase of the syn-rift period in the Gulf of Suez rift. It is the primary hydrocarbon reservoir for …
The importance of foraminifera in providing paleoecologic and biostratigraphic information for a Miocene tropical carbonate system: Cicuco Field, NW Colombia
This paper presents the results from foraminiferal analysis of cores composed of shallow-
water carbonates, and associated siliciclastics collected from the Cicuco Field, NW …
water carbonates, and associated siliciclastics collected from the Cicuco Field, NW …
Exploring macroevolutionary links in multi-species planktonic foraminiferal and from 15 Ma to recent
The ratio of the trace element Mg over Ca (Mg/Ca) and the oxygen isotopic composition (δ
18 O) of foraminiferal calcite are widely employed for reconstructing past ocean …
18 O) of foraminiferal calcite are widely employed for reconstructing past ocean …
Foraminiferal biostratigraphy across the Eocene–Oligocene transition, in the Zagros Basin, Southern Iran
RF Rashidi, SH Sajadi, IM Ghafor - Carbonates and Evaporites, 2024 - Springer
The studied wells were located in the Bandar Abbas, Southeast Persian Gulf, and crosscut
mainly from Eocene to Oligocene sequences spanning the Pabdeh, Jahrum, and Asmari …
mainly from Eocene to Oligocene sequences spanning the Pabdeh, Jahrum, and Asmari …