Expression of active tectonics in erosional landscapes
Understanding the manner and degree to which topography in active mountain ranges
reflects deformation of the Earth's surface remains a first order goal of tectonic …
reflects deformation of the Earth's surface remains a first order goal of tectonic …
Bedrock rivers and the geomorphology of active orogens
KX Whipple - Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 2004 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Bedrock rivers set much of the relief structure of active orogens and dictate rates
and patterns of denudation. Quantitative understanding of the role of climate-driven …
and patterns of denudation. Quantitative understanding of the role of climate-driven …
An integral approach to bedrock river profile analysis
Bedrock river profiles are often interpreted with the aid of slope–area analysis, but noisy
topographic data make such interpretations challenging. We present an alternative …
topographic data make such interpretations challenging. We present an alternative …
The stream power river incision model: Evidence, theory and beyond
D Lague - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The stream power incision model (SPIM) is a cornerstone of quantitative geomorphology. It
states that river incision rate is the product of drainage area and channel slope raised to the …
states that river incision rate is the product of drainage area and channel slope raised to the …
Tectonics from topography: Procedures, promise, and pitfalls
Tectonics from topography: Procedures, promise, and pitfalls | Tectonics, Climate, and
Landscape Evolution | GeoScienceWorld Books | GeoScienceWorld Skip to Main Content …
Landscape Evolution | GeoScienceWorld Books | GeoScienceWorld Skip to Main Content …
Modelling landscape evolution
GE Tucker, GR Hancock - Earth Surface Processes and …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Geomorphology is currently in a period of resurgence as we seek to explain the diversity,
origins and dynamics of terrain on the Earth and other planets in an era of increased …
origins and dynamics of terrain on the Earth and other planets in an era of increased …
Tectonic and lithologic controls on bedrock channel profiles and processes in coastal California
Recent theoretical models suggest that topographic characteristics of bedrock channels are
products of interactions among tectonics, substrate resistance, and the climatically …
products of interactions among tectonics, substrate resistance, and the climatically …
The role of landslides in mountain range evolution
O Korup, AL Densmore, F Schlunegger - Geomorphology, 2010 - Elsevier
We review the role of landslides in current concepts of the topographic development of
mountain ranges. We find that many studies in this field address basin-or orogen-scale …
mountain ranges. We find that many studies in this field address basin-or orogen-scale …
The influence of erosion thresholds and runoff variability on the relationships among topography, climate, and erosion rate
Bedrock river incision occurs only during floods large enough to mobilize sediment and
overcome substrate detachment thresholds. New data relating channel steepness and …
overcome substrate detachment thresholds. New data relating channel steepness and …
The Schmidt Hammer in geomorphological research
AS Goudie - Progress in Physical Geography, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
The Schmidt Hammer, originally designed for testing the hardness of concrete in 1948, was
first used in a geomorphological context in the 1960s. Since then the advantages and …
first used in a geomorphological context in the 1960s. Since then the advantages and …