Machine learning and decision support in critical care
Clinical data management systems typically provide caregiver teams with useful information,
derived from large, sometimes highly heterogeneous, data sources that are often changing …
derived from large, sometimes highly heterogeneous, data sources that are often changing …
Multiple organ dysfunction score: a reliable descriptor of a complex clinical outcome
Critical Care Medicine SCCM Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Critical Care Explorations Log in
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Dynamic and explainable machine learning prediction of mortality in patients in the intensive care unit: a retrospective study of high-frequency data in electronic …
Background Many mortality prediction models have been developed for patients in intensive
care units (ICUs); most are based on data available at ICU admission. We investigated …
care units (ICUs); most are based on data available at ICU admission. We investigated …
External validation of new risk prediction models is infrequent and reveals worse prognostic discrimination
Objectives To evaluate how often newly developed risk prediction models undergo external
validation and how well they perform in such validations. Study Design and Setting We …
validation and how well they perform in such validations. Study Design and Setting We …
Mortality prediction in intensive care units with the Super ICU Learner Algorithm (SICULA): a population-based study
Background Improved mortality prediction for patients in intensive care units is a big
challenge. Many severity scores have been proposed, but findings of validation studies have …
challenge. Many severity scores have been proposed, but findings of validation studies have …
[BOK][B] Applied logistic regression
A new edition of the definitive guide to logistic regression modeling for health science and
other applications This thoroughly expanded Third Edition provides an easily accessible …
other applications This thoroughly expanded Third Edition provides an easily accessible …
A new simplified acute physiology score (SAPS II) based on a European/North American multicenter study
JR Le Gall, S Lemeshow, F Saulnier - Jama, 1993 - jamanetwork.com
Objective.—To develop and validate a new Simplified Acute Physiology Score, the SAPS II,
from a large sample of surgical and medical patients, and to provide a method to convert the …
from a large sample of surgical and medical patients, and to provide a method to convert the …
PRISM III: an updated Pediatric Risk of Mortality score
MM Pollack, KM Patel, UE Ruttimann - Critical care medicine, 1996 - journals.lww.com
Objectives The relationship between physiologic status and mortality risk should be
reevaluated as new treatment protocols, therapeutic interventions, and monitoring strategies …
reevaluated as new treatment protocols, therapeutic interventions, and monitoring strategies …
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) IV: hospital mortality assessment for today's critically ill patients
JE Zimmerman, AA Kramer, DS McNair… - Critical care …, 2006 - journals.lww.com
Objective: To improve the accuracy of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation
(APACHE) method for predicting hospital mortality among critically ill adults and to evaluate …
(APACHE) method for predicting hospital mortality among critically ill adults and to evaluate …
Defining futile and potentially inappropriate interventions: a policy statement from the Society of Critical Care Medicine Ethics Committee
Objectives: The Society of Critical Care Medicine and four other major critical care
organizations have endorsed a seven-step process to resolve disagreements about …
organizations have endorsed a seven-step process to resolve disagreements about …