Machine learning and decision support in critical care

AEW Johnson, MM Ghassemi, S Nemati… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 -
Clinical data management systems typically provide caregiver teams with useful information,
derived from large, sometimes highly heterogeneous, data sources that are often changing …

Multiple organ dysfunction score: a reliable descriptor of a complex clinical outcome

JC Marshall, DJ Cook, NV Christou… - Critical care …, 1995 -
Critical Care Medicine SCCM Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Critical Care Explorations Log in
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Dynamic and explainable machine learning prediction of mortality in patients in the intensive care unit: a retrospective study of high-frequency data in electronic …

HC Thorsen-Meyer, AB Nielsen, AP Nielsen… - The Lancet Digital …, 2020 -
Background Many mortality prediction models have been developed for patients in intensive
care units (ICUs); most are based on data available at ICU admission. We investigated …

External validation of new risk prediction models is infrequent and reveals worse prognostic discrimination

GCM Siontis, I Tzoulaki, PJ Castaldi… - Journal of clinical …, 2015 - Elsevier
Objectives To evaluate how often newly developed risk prediction models undergo external
validation and how well they perform in such validations. Study Design and Setting We …

Mortality prediction in intensive care units with the Super ICU Learner Algorithm (SICULA): a population-based study

R Pirracchio, ML Petersen, M Carone… - The Lancet …, 2015 -
Background Improved mortality prediction for patients in intensive care units is a big
challenge. Many severity scores have been proposed, but findings of validation studies have …

[BOK][B] Applied logistic regression

DW Hosmer Jr, S Lemeshow, RX Sturdivant - 2013 -
A new edition of the definitive guide to logistic regression modeling for health science and
other applications This thoroughly expanded Third Edition provides an easily accessible …

A new simplified acute physiology score (SAPS II) based on a European/North American multicenter study

JR Le Gall, S Lemeshow, F Saulnier - Jama, 1993 -
Objective.—To develop and validate a new Simplified Acute Physiology Score, the SAPS II,
from a large sample of surgical and medical patients, and to provide a method to convert the …

PRISM III: an updated Pediatric Risk of Mortality score

MM Pollack, KM Patel, UE Ruttimann - Critical care medicine, 1996 -
Objectives The relationship between physiologic status and mortality risk should be
reevaluated as new treatment protocols, therapeutic interventions, and monitoring strategies …

Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) IV: hospital mortality assessment for today's critically ill patients

JE Zimmerman, AA Kramer, DS McNair… - Critical care …, 2006 -
Objective: To improve the accuracy of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation
(APACHE) method for predicting hospital mortality among critically ill adults and to evaluate …

Defining futile and potentially inappropriate interventions: a policy statement from the Society of Critical Care Medicine Ethics Committee

AA Kon, EK Shepard, NO Sederstrom… - Critical care …, 2016 -
Objectives: The Society of Critical Care Medicine and four other major critical care
organizations have endorsed a seven-step process to resolve disagreements about …