Machine learning in process systems engineering: Challenges and opportunities

P Daoutidis, JH Lee, S Rangarajan, L Chiang… - Computers & Chemical …, 2024 - Elsevier
This “white paper” is a concise perspective of the potential of machine learning in the
process systems engineering (PSE) domain, based on a session during FIPSE 5, held in …

A trust region method for noisy unconstrained optimization

S Sun, J Nocedal - Mathematical Programming, 2023 - Springer
Classical trust region methods were designed to solve problems in which function and
gradient information are exact. This paper considers the case when there are errors (or …

Worst-case complexity of an SQP method for nonlinear equality constrained stochastic optimization

FE Curtis, MJ O'Neill, DP Robinson - Mathematical Programming, 2024 - Springer
A worst-case complexity bound is proved for a sequential quadratic optimization (commonly
known as SQP) algorithm that has been designed for solving optimization problems …

A stochastic inexact sequential quadratic optimization algorithm for nonlinear equality-constrained optimization

FE Curtis, DP Robinson, B Zhou - INFORMS Journal on …, 2024 -
A stochastic algorithm is proposed, analyzed, and tested experimentally for solving
continuous optimization problems with nonlinear equality constraints. It is assumed that …

Fully stochastic trust-region sequential quadratic programming for equality-constrained optimization problems

Y Fang, S Na, MW Mahoney, M Kolar - SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2024 - SIAM
We propose a trust-region stochastic sequential quadratic programming algorithm (TR-
StoSQP) to solve nonlinear optimization problems with stochastic objectives and …

Inequality constrained stochastic nonlinear optimization via active-set sequential quadratic programming

S Na, M Anitescu, M Kolar - Mathematical Programming, 2023 - Springer
We study nonlinear optimization problems with a stochastic objective and deterministic
equality and inequality constraints, which emerge in numerous applications including …

Accelerating stochastic sequential quadratic programming for equality constrained optimization using predictive variance reduction

AS Berahas, J Shi, Z Yi, B Zhou - Computational Optimization and …, 2023 - Springer
In this paper, we propose a stochastic method for solving equality constrained optimization
problems that utilizes predictive variance reduction. Specifically, we develop a method …

Sequential quadratic optimization for stochastic optimization with deterministic nonlinear inequality and equality constraints

FE Curtis, DP Robinson, B Zhou - SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2024 - SIAM
A sequential quadratic optimization algorithm for minimizing an objective function defined by
an expectation subject to nonlinear inequality and equality constraints is proposed …

A Sequential Quadratic Programming Method With High-Probability Complexity Bounds for Nonlinear Equality-Constrained Stochastic Optimization

AS Berahas, M **e, B Zhou - SIAM Journal on Optimization, 2025 - SIAM
A step-search sequential quadratic programming method is proposed for solving nonlinear
equality-constrained stochastic optimization problems. It is assumed that constraint function …

Inexact sequential quadratic optimization for minimizing a stochastic objective function subject to deterministic nonlinear equality constraints

FE Curtis, DP Robinson, B Zhou - arxiv preprint arxiv:2107.03512, 2021 -
An algorithm is proposed, analyzed, and tested experimentally for solving stochastic
optimization problems in which the decision variables are constrained to satisfy equations …