Enriching developmental science from the Global South: Contributions from Latin America.

JL Gibbons - American Psychologist, 2024 - psycnet.apa.org
Abstract Knowledge from the Global South, including Latin America, has enriched our
understanding of developmental science. Despite underrepresentation in the published …

Different patterns of endorsement of intensive mothering beliefs: Associations with parenting guilt and parental burnout.

CN Kim, ML Kerr - Journal of Family Psychology, 2024 - psycnet.apa.org
The unrealistic expectations rooted in intensive mothering beliefs can negatively impact
maternal well-being. The present study investigates associations between intensive …

'Either something's wrong, or I'm a terrible parent': A systematic review of parent experiences of illness-related interpretations for unsettled babies

A Dobson, S Hornsey, D Ghio, S Latter… - Journal of Advanced …, 2024 - eprints.soton.ac.uk
Aims: to explore parents' experiences of unsettled babies and medical labels. Design:
qualitative systematic review, thematic synthesis and development of a conceptual model …

Double loss in the Chinese families of parental depression: A qualitative study

ATL Tam, MC Cheung - Children and Youth Services Review, 2024 - Elsevier
Although many studies have examined the lived experiences of children whose parents
have depression in the West, few have been conducted in the Chinese context. This study …

Parental and pandemic burnout, internalizing symptoms, and parent-adolescent relationships: A Network Analysis

M Moroń, Ł Jach, K Atłas, R Moroń - Journal of Psychopathology and …, 2023 - Springer
The COVID-19 pandemic and preventive measures undertaken by many governments have
had a significant impact on family relationships, which could result in worsened parenting. In …

Toward a decolonial parenting science through centering majority world parenting: A commentary on “Parenting culture (s): Ideal-parent beliefs across 37 countries”

VV Raval - Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
In “Parenting Culture (s): Ideal-Parent Beliefs Across 37 Countries,” Lin et al. examine
reports of parents from 37 countries regarding the qualities they consider in an ideal parent …

Profiles of parental burnout around the globe: similarities and differences across 36 countries

M Matias, J Aguiar, AM Fontaine… - Cross-cultural …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Parental burnout (PB) is a pervasive phenomenon. Parenting is embedded in cultural
values, and previous research has shown the role of individualism in PB. In this paper, we …

Spoiling the Spoils: Indulgent Parenting Costs Parents' Well-Being More When Adolescents Deny Receiving Much Indulgence

P Hong, H Wu, Q Mei, J He, M Cui - Journal of Happiness Studies, 2025 - Springer
How does prioritizing children's happiness over their own impact parents' well-being? This
study contributes to addressing this question by investigating the relationship between …

Stress, perceived competence and guilt as predictors of depression in parents with chronic pain

IJ Muñoz-Peña, JL González-Gutiérrez… - Frontiers in …, 2025 - frontiersin.org
Introduction Suffering from chronic pain (CP) and co** with parenthood can be
challenging for parental mental health. Pain can hinder the ability to deal with demands …