Subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows: the physiological causes, incidence and consequences
During subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) rumen pH is depressed for several hours per day
due to accumulation of volatile fatty acids and insufficient rumen buffering. Surveys …
due to accumulation of volatile fatty acids and insufficient rumen buffering. Surveys …
Ruminant nutrition symposium: role of fermentation acid absorption in the regulation of ruminal pH
Highly fermentable diets are rapidly converted to organic acids [ie, short-chain fatty acids
(SCFA) and lactic acid] within the rumen. The resulting release of protons can constitute a …
(SCFA) and lactic acid] within the rumen. The resulting release of protons can constitute a …
[HTML][HTML] Ruminal acidosis in beef cattle: the current microbiological and nutritional outlook
TG Nagaraja, EC Titgemeyer - Journal of dairy science, 2007 - Elsevier
Ruminal acidosis continues to be a common ruminal digestive disorder in beef cattle and
can lead to marked reductions in cattle performance. Ruminal acidosis or increased …
can lead to marked reductions in cattle performance. Ruminal acidosis or increased …
[HTML][HTML] A grain-based subacute ruminal acidosis challenge causes translocation of lipopolysaccharide and triggers inflammation
The effects of a grain-based subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) challenge on translocation of
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) into the peripheral circulation, acute phase proteins in blood and …
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) into the peripheral circulation, acute phase proteins in blood and …
Rumen microbiome composition determined using two nutritional models of subacute ruminal acidosis
Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is a metabolic disease in dairy cattle that occurs during
early and mid-lactation and has traditionally been characterized by low rumen pH, but lactic …
early and mid-lactation and has traditionally been characterized by low rumen pH, but lactic …
Integrated multi-omics analysis reveals the positive leverage of citrus flavonoids on hindgut microbiota and host homeostasis by modulating sphingolipid metabolism …
Background Modern dairy diets have shifted from being forage-based to grain and energy
dense. However, feeding high-starch diets can lead to a metabolic disturbance that is linked …
dense. However, feeding high-starch diets can lead to a metabolic disturbance that is linked …
Effects of active dry yeasts on the rumen microbial ecosystem: Past, present and future
Active dry yeasts (ADYs) are increasingly used in ruminant nutrition as feed additives to
improve feed efficiency and performance and, at the same time, to prevent health disorders …
improve feed efficiency and performance and, at the same time, to prevent health disorders …
Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA), endotoxins and health consequences
Several symptoms of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in cattle, including inflammation,
have been attributed to the translocation of free bacterial lipopolysaccharide endotoxin …
have been attributed to the translocation of free bacterial lipopolysaccharide endotoxin …
[HTML][HTML] Acute phase proteins and their use in the diagnosis of diseases in ruminants: a review
CS Tothova, O Nagy, G Kovac - Veterinární medicína, 2014 - agriculturejournals.cz
The acute phase response is a complex systemic early-defence system of reactions
activated by trauma, infection, tissue damage, inflammation, stress or neoplasia. One of the …
activated by trauma, infection, tissue damage, inflammation, stress or neoplasia. One of the …
Bovine rumen epithelium undergoes rapid structural adaptations during grain-induced subacute ruminal acidosis
Alterations in rumen epithelial structure and function during grain-induced subacute ruminal
acidosis (SARA) are largely undescribed. In this study, four mature nonlactating dairy cattle …
acidosis (SARA) are largely undescribed. In this study, four mature nonlactating dairy cattle …