A review of recent developments in the understanding of transonic shock buffet

NF Giannelis, GA Vio, O Levinski - Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2017 - Elsevier
Within a narrow band of flight conditions in the transonic regime, interactions between shock-
waves and intermittently separated shear layers result in large amplitude, self-sustained …

Experimental analysis of transonic buffet conditions on a two-dimensional supercritical airfoil

CJ Schauerte, AM Schreyer - AIAA Journal, 2023 - arc.aiaa.org
The present experimental investigation characterizes the development and decay of
transonic buffet on the supercritical airfoil OAT15A, as well as the flow field and shock …

Rigid buffet response of the benchmark supercritical wing for the third aeroelastic prediction workshop

NF Giannelis, B Thornber, GA Vio - AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum, 2022 - arc.aiaa.org
View Video Presentation: https://doi. org/10.2514/6.2022-0176. vid In the presence of highly
nonlinear flow phenomena, including shock wave formation and flow separation, the …

Application of the Hilbert-Huang Transform in the identification of frequency synchronisation in transonic aeroelastic systems

NF Giannelis, AJ Murray, GA Vio - AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2019 - arc.aiaa.org
T transonic shock buffet phenomenon, in which the interactions between separated
boundary-layers and shock-waves produce significant loading fluctuations, is a limiting …

[PDF][PDF] Investigation of frequency lock-in phenomena on a supercritical aerofoil in the presence of transonic shock oscillations

NF Giannelis, GA Vio - … of the 17th International Forum on …, 2017 - researchgate.net

[PDF][PDF] On the effect of control surface deflections on the aeroelastic response of an aerofoil at transonic buffet conditions

NF Giannelis, GA Vio - … of the 28th International Conference on …, 2018 - researchgate.net
At certain conditions in the transonic flight regime, interactions between oscillating shock
waves and a forced or freely oscillating structure may incite frequency lock-in between the …

Comparison of URANS and Hybrid RANS/LES buffet response of the Benchmark Supercritical Wing

NF Giannelis, GA Vio - AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, 2023 - arc.aiaa.org
View Video Presentation: https://doi. org/10.2514/6.2023-0428. vid To ascertain the state-of-
the-art in computational modelling tools and guide future progress in transonic flutter …

[PDF][PDF] A modal approach to shock buffet lock-in analysis

NF Giannelis, GA Vio - … of the 29th International Conference on …, 2020 - past.isma-isaac.be
In a transonic flow, autonomous shock oscillations over rigid aerofoil sections may develop
from the interaction between shock waves and intermittently separated shear layers. This …

Influence of turbulence modelling approach on shock buffet computations at deep buffet conditions

NF Giannelis, GA Vio - AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM, 2021 - arc.aiaa.org
View Video Presentation: https://doi. org/10.2514/6.2021-2557. vid The sensitivity of
transonic shock buffet computations to the selected turbulence modelling approach is well …

Influence of control surface deflections on a thin aerofoil at transonic buffet conditions

NF Giannelis, AJ Murray, GA Vio - AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2019 - arc.aiaa.org
W it has been over six decades since the shock buffet phenomenon was first observed,
research of mitigation technologies remains an active field [1]. Various prospective …