Mechanosensory control of locomotion in animals and robots: moving forward
While animals swim, crawl, walk, and fly with apparent ease, building robots capable of
robust locomotion remains a significant challenge. In this review, we draw attention to …
robust locomotion remains a significant challenge. In this review, we draw attention to …
Descending neuron population dynamics during odor-evoked and spontaneous limb-dependent behaviors
Deciphering how the brain regulates motor circuits to control complex behaviors is an
important, long-standing challenge in neuroscience. In the fly, Drosophila melanogaster, this …
important, long-standing challenge in neuroscience. In the fly, Drosophila melanogaster, this …
[PDF][PDF] Tools for comprehensive reconstruction and analysis of Drosophila motor circuits
Like the vertebrate spinal cord, the insect ventral nerve cord (VNC) mediates limb sensation
and motor control. Here, we applied automated tools for electron microscopy (EM) volume …
and motor control. Here, we applied automated tools for electron microscopy (EM) volume …
Microengineered devices enable long-term imaging of the ventral nerve cord in behaving adult Drosophila
The dynamics and connectivity of neural circuits continuously change on timescales ranging
from milliseconds to an animal's lifetime. Therefore, to understand biological networks …
from milliseconds to an animal's lifetime. Therefore, to understand biological networks …
Organization of an ascending circuit that conveys flight motor state in Drosophila
Natural behaviors are a coordinated symphony of motor acts that drive reafferent (self-
induced) sensory activation. Individual sensors cannot disambiguate exafferent (externally …
induced) sensory activation. Individual sensors cannot disambiguate exafferent (externally …
The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) regulates zebrafish sensorimotor decision making via a genetically defined cluster of hindbrain neurons
Decision making is a fundamental nervous system function that ranges widely in complexity
and speed of execution. We previously established larval zebrafish as a model for …
and speed of execution. We previously established larval zebrafish as a model for …
Organization of an ascending circuit that conveys flight motor state
Natural behaviors are a coordinated symphony of motor acts which drive self-induced or
reafferent sensory activation. Single sensors only signal presence and magnitude of a …
reafferent sensory activation. Single sensors only signal presence and magnitude of a …
Walking elicits global brain activity in Drosophila
Movement and behavioral state influence perception, and a stimulus can elicit opposite
behavioral actions depending on whether the animal is moving toward or away from it. Here …
behavioral actions depending on whether the animal is moving toward or away from it. Here …
Context, circuit and modulation of courtship signal selection in Drosophila
E Steinfath - 2023 - ediss.uni-goettingen.de
Communication is multi-modal–when we interact, we speak, gesticulate, and touch.
However, the neural computations and circuits that select and coordinate these …
However, the neural computations and circuits that select and coordinate these …
Tools for connectomic reconstruction and analysis of a female Drosophila ventral nerve cord
Like the vertebrate spinal cord, the insect ventral nerve cord (VNC) mediates limb sensation
and motor control. Here, we apply automated tools for electron microscopy volume …
and motor control. Here, we apply automated tools for electron microscopy volume …