Research gaps in knowledge of the impact of urban growth on biodiversity
Abstract By 2030, an additional 1.2 billion people are forecast in urban areas globally. We
review the scientific literature (n= 922 studies) to assess direct and indirect impacts of urban …
review the scientific literature (n= 922 studies) to assess direct and indirect impacts of urban …
Effectiveness of protected areas influenced by socio-economic context
Protected area (PA) performance is thought to depend on effective conservation
management and favourable socio-economic context. However, increasing evidence of …
management and favourable socio-economic context. However, increasing evidence of …
Extinction risk and conservation of the earth's national animal symbols
Flagship species are commonly used as conservation tools, but to be effective, local public
support is crucial. A country's national animal symbol is often selected for holding cultural …
support is crucial. A country's national animal symbol is often selected for holding cultural …
The legacy of past human land use in current patterns of mammal distribution
Multiple environmental factors are known to shape species distributions at the global scale,
including climate and topography, but understanding current extents of occurrence and …
including climate and topography, but understanding current extents of occurrence and …
Merging socioecological variables to predict risk of Chagas disease
How far are we from predicting the occurrence of zoonotic diseases? In this paper we have
made use of both socioecological and ecological variables to predict Chagas disease …
made use of both socioecological and ecological variables to predict Chagas disease …
To preserve, or not to preserve, that is the question: urban and rural student attitudes towards wild vertebrates
JV de Oliveira, SF Lopes, RRD Barboza… - Environment …, 2019 - Springer
Historically, human interactions with other animals have been marked by an attitudinal
affinity–aversion polarization, depending on the animal involved and its local utilitarian …
affinity–aversion polarization, depending on the animal involved and its local utilitarian …
Can only poorer European countries afford large carnivores?
Background One of the classic approaches in environmental economics is the
environmental Kuznets curve, which predicts that when a national economy grows from low …
environmental Kuznets curve, which predicts that when a national economy grows from low …
Is there a peaceful cohabitation between human and natural habitats? Assessing global patterns of species loss
The ongoing ecological crisis has motivated systematic studies on biodiversity loss, mostly
pointing to economic and human population pressure as root causes of natural habitat …
pointing to economic and human population pressure as root causes of natural habitat …
From tropical shelters to temperate defaunation: The relationship between agricultural transition stage and the distribution of threatened mammals
Aim Agriculture is a key threat to biodiversity; however, its relationship with biodiversity
patterns is understudied. Here, we evaluate how the extent, intensity and history of …
patterns is understudied. Here, we evaluate how the extent, intensity and history of …
Prediction of human development from environmental indicators
Abstract The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) list the objectives and targets that
should be addressed to solve the global issues regarding sustainable development. They …
should be addressed to solve the global issues regarding sustainable development. They …