LGBTQ+ cultural competency training for health professionals: a systematic review
Background Health disparities experienced by LGBTQ+ individuals have been partially
attributed to health professionals' lack of cultural competence to work with them. Cultural …
attributed to health professionals' lack of cultural competence to work with them. Cultural …
Supportive model for the improvement of mental health and prevention of suicide among LGBTQ+ youth
S Madireddy, S Madireddy - International Journal of Adolescence …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ+) youth
experience a myriad of mental health disparities as well as a heightened risk of suicide …
experience a myriad of mental health disparities as well as a heightened risk of suicide …
Experiences of transgender and gender nonbinary medical students and physicians
Purpose: To explore the experiences of transgender and gender nonbinary (TGNB) medical
students and physicians in the United States. Methods: The authors conducted a 79-item …
students and physicians in the United States. Methods: The authors conducted a 79-item …
How can the nursing profession help reduce sexual and gender minority related health disparities: Recommendations from the national nursing LGBTQ health summit
Background Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people, also
commonly referred to as sexual and gender minorities (SGMs), live in every part of the …
commonly referred to as sexual and gender minorities (SGMs), live in every part of the …
How can we meet the support needs of LGBT cancer patients in oncology? A systematic review
R Webster, H Drury-Smith - Radiography, 2021 - Elsevier
Objectives Approximately 3.6 million people in the UK identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT). Fear of discrimination and lack of sexual orientation and gender …
transgender (LGBT). Fear of discrimination and lack of sexual orientation and gender …
Access to health services: Barriers faced by the transgender population in India
Objective: To critically appraise the literature characterizing unique health needs, barriers to
access healthcare services and propose research as well as programmatic priorities for …
access healthcare services and propose research as well as programmatic priorities for …
LGBTQ+ health education interventions for nursing students: A systematic review
Objectives Nurses are the largest segment of the American healthcare workforce, yet little is
known about how American nursing students are educated about lesbian, gay, bisexual …
known about how American nursing students are educated about lesbian, gay, bisexual …
Satisfaction with care, general health, and mental health among sexual and gender minority cancer survivors: Results of the OUT National Cancer Survey
Background Few studies have attempted to characterize the cancer care experiences and
outcomes of sexual and gender minority (SGM) patients with cancer, despite indications that …
outcomes of sexual and gender minority (SGM) patients with cancer, despite indications that …
Approaching sexuality in LGBTQIAP+ patients with cancer: sco** review
Background When individuals in the SGM group are diagnosed with cancer and undergo
treatment, they experience changes in physical, mental, sexual and spiritual dimensions …
treatment, they experience changes in physical, mental, sexual and spiritual dimensions …
Web‐based LGBT cultural competency training intervention for oncologists: Pilot study results
Background Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) cancer patients experience
substantial health disparities, including poorer overall health and lower satisfaction with their …
substantial health disparities, including poorer overall health and lower satisfaction with their …