Cell homogenization method for pin-by-pin neutron transport calculations

T Kozlowski, Y Xu, TJ Downar, D Lee - Nuclear science and …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
For practical reactor core applications, low-order transport approximations such as SP3
have been shown to provide sufficient accuracy for both static and transient calculations with …

High-order cross-section homogenization method

F Rahnema, MS McKinley - Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2002 - Elsevier
A high-order cross-section homogenization method based on boundary condition
perturbation theory is developed to improve the accuracy of nodal methods for coarse-mesh …

A dynamic homogenization method for 3D core calculations

A Galia, R Sanchez, I Zmijarevic - Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
Three-dimensional deterministic core calculations are typically based on the classical two-
step calculation scheme. The sizable number of approximations introduced in this approach …

A method of dynamic homogenization: application to 2D core calculation

A Galia, R Sanchez, I Zmijarevic - Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
Three-dimensional deterministic core calculations are typically based on the classical two-
step approach, where the homogenized cross sections of an assembly type are …

ARTEMISTM core simulator: latest developments

G Hobson, HW Bolloni… - … MC 2013-Joint …, 2014 - sna-and-mc-2013-proceedings …
AREVA has developed a new coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics code system,
ARCADIA®. It makes use of modern computing resources to enable more realistic reactor …

An Assessment of Advanced Nodal Methods for MOX Fuel Analysis in Light Water Reactors-106

T Downar, CH Lee, G Jiang - 2000 - inis.iaea.org
[en] There has been concern during the last several years that the advanced nodal methods
which have been developed for LWR cores initially fueled with Uranium do not provide the …

A Hybrid Nodal Diffusion/SP3 Method Using One-Node Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference Formulation

CH Lee, TJ Downar - Nuclear science and engineering, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
A hybrid nodal diffusion/simplified P 3 (SP 3) method was implemented within the framework
of a one-node coarse-mesh finite difference formulation. The one-node formulation enables …

[PDF][PDF] Improving cross sections via spectral rehomogenization

A Dall'Osso, D Tomatis, Y Du - Proc. of Int. Conf. PHYSOR, 2010 - researchgate.net
Cross sections used in nodal calculations come from infinite medium flux homogenization.
Their dependencies from physical working conditions are solved through interpolation on …

Development of a multicell methodology to account for heterogeneous core effects in the core-analysis diffusion code

W Shen - 2006 - osti.gov
In CANDU R reactor calculations, the lattice-cell cross sections are calculated with WIMS-
AECL, and the three-dimensional core neutron-flux and power distributions are calculated …

3D Core Calculation Based on the Method of Dynamic Homogenization

A Galia, I Zmijarevic, R Sanchez - EPJ Web of Conferences, 2021 - epj-conferences.org
The classical two-step calculation scheme has been extensively used to perform three-
dimensional deterministic core calculations thanks to its fast results. On the other hand …