The sixty-year trajectory of homicide clearance rates: Toward a better understanding of the great decline
In 1962, the FBI reported a national homicide clearance rate of 93%. That rate dropped 29
points by 1994. This Great Decline has been studied and accepted as a real phenomenon …
points by 1994. This Great Decline has been studied and accepted as a real phenomenon …
“Oh hell no, we don't talk to police” Insights on the lack of cooperation in police investigations of urban gun violence
Research Summary We conducted face‐to‐face interviews with 50 young Black men,
residents of high‐crime neighborhoods in Brooklyn and the Bronx, individuals who had …
residents of high‐crime neighborhoods in Brooklyn and the Bronx, individuals who had …
Effective police investigative practices: An evidence-assessment of the research
Purpose Detective work is a mainstay of modern law enforcement, but its effectiveness has
been much less evaluated than patrol work. To explore what is known about effective …
been much less evaluated than patrol work. To explore what is known about effective …
How effective are police? The problem of clearance rates and criminal accountability
S Baradaran Baughman - Ala. L. Rev., 2020 - HeinOnline
This Article endeavors to measure how effectively police peform at their core function-
solving crime. The metric most commonly used to measure police effectiveness at crime …
solving crime. The metric most commonly used to measure police effectiveness at crime …
Can homicide detectives improve homicide clearance rates?
AA Braga, D Dusseault - Crime & Delinquency, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
The available scientific evidence on the value of detectives in clearing crimes generally
suggests that most crimes are solved through the random circumstances of crime scenes …
suggests that most crimes are solved through the random circumstances of crime scenes …
The influence of investigative resources on homicide clearances
Objectives This paper investigates the influence of case characteristics and investigative
resources on homicide clearance rates. Methods We extend a previous evaluation of a …
resources on homicide clearance rates. Methods We extend a previous evaluation of a …
Neighborhood immigrant concentration and violent crime reporting to the police: A multilevel analysis of data from the National Crime Victimization Survey
Using data from the Area‐Identified National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), we provide
a national assessment of the impact of neighborhood immigrant concentration on whether …
a national assessment of the impact of neighborhood immigrant concentration on whether …
[SÁCH][B] The sexual murderer: Offender behaviour and implications for practice
E Beauregard, M Martineau - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Sexual homicide continues to be one of the most widely reported and sensationalised forms
of murder, attracting fascination from the public and scholars alike. Despite this continued …
of murder, attracting fascination from the public and scholars alike. Despite this continued …
Clearing homicides: Role of organizational, case, and investigative dimensions
CF Wellford, C Lum, T Scott, H Vovak… - Criminology & Public …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Research Summary Since the RAND Corporation studies on investigations were published,
there has been a widely held belief among scholars that police agencies and investigative …
there has been a widely held belief among scholars that police agencies and investigative …
Getting away with murder: A thematic approach to solved and unsolved sexual homicides using crime scene factors
S Balemba, E Beauregard… - Police Practice and …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
There is little research examining types of sexual homicides from a perspective that can aid
investigators before a suspect has been identified. This study examines crime scene factors …
investigators before a suspect has been identified. This study examines crime scene factors …