[PDF][PDF] Essential coding theory
The material in this book is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under
CAREER grant CCF-0844796. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations …
CAREER grant CCF-0844796. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations …
[HTML][HTML] The Prouhet Tarry Escott problem: a review
S Raghavendran, V Narayanan - Mathematics, 2019 - mdpi.com
This paper presents a review of the Prouhet Tarry Escott problem. The solutions of the
Prouhet Tarry Escott problem are significant because of its numerous applications. Available …
Prouhet Tarry Escott problem are significant because of its numerous applications. Available …
Explicit Folded Reed-Solomon and Multiplicity Codes Achieve Relaxed Generalized Singleton Bounds
In this paper, we prove that explicit FRS codes and multiplicity codes achieve relaxed
generalized Singleton bounds for list size $ L\ge1. $ Specifically, we show the following:(1) …
generalized Singleton bounds for list size $ L\ge1. $ Specifically, we show the following:(1) …
Limitations of mean-based algorithms for trace reconstruction at small distance
Trace reconstruction considers the task of recovering an unknown string x∊ 0, ln given a
number of independent “traces”, ie, subsequences of x obtained by randomly and …
number of independent “traces”, ie, subsequences of x obtained by randomly and …
Limitations of mean-based algorithms for trace reconstruction at small edit distance
Trace reconstruction considers the task of recovering an unknown string given a number of
independent “traces”, ie, subsequences of obtained by randomly and independently …
independent “traces”, ie, subsequences of obtained by randomly and independently …
A post-quantum digital signature scheme from QC-LDPC codes
C Picozzi, A Meneghetti, G Tognolini - Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2022 - eprint.iacr.org
We propose a novel post-quantum code-based digital signature algorithm whose security is
based on the difficulty of decoding Quasi-Cyclic codes in systematic form, and whose …
based on the difficulty of decoding Quasi-Cyclic codes in systematic form, and whose …
NP-Hardness of Reed--Solomon Decoding, and the Prouhet--Tarry--Escott Problem
Establishing the complexity of bounded distance decoding for Reed--Solomon codes is a
fundamental open problem in coding theory, explicitly asked by Guruswami and Vardy IEEE …
fundamental open problem in coding theory, explicitly asked by Guruswami and Vardy IEEE …
[HTML][HTML] The k-subset sum problem over finite fields
W Wang, J Nguyen - Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2018 - Elsevier
The subset sum problem is an important theoretical problem with many applications, such as
in coding theory, cryptography, graph theory and other fields. One of the many aspects of …
in coding theory, cryptography, graph theory and other fields. One of the many aspects of …
On the equivalence of two post-quantum cryptographic families
The maximum likelihood decoding problem (MLD) is known to be NP-hard and its
complexity is strictly related to the security of some post-quantum cryptosystems, that is, the …
complexity is strictly related to the security of some post-quantum cryptosystems, that is, the …
Low-Complexity Weak Pseudorandom Functions in
A weak pseudorandom function (WPRF) is a keyed function f_k:{0, 1\}^ n → {0, 1\} fk: 0, 1 n→
0, 1 such that, for a random key k, a collection of samples (x, f_k (x))(x, fk (x)), for uniformly …
0, 1 such that, for a random key k, a collection of samples (x, f_k (x))(x, fk (x)), for uniformly …