Machine learning of reduced quantum channels on noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices
Worldwide efforts aim at the realization of advanced quantum simulators and processors.
However, despite the development of intricate hardware and pulse control systems, it may …
However, despite the development of intricate hardware and pulse control systems, it may …
Gate operations for superconducting qubits and non-Markovianity
K Nakamura, J Ankerhold - Physical Review Research, 2024 - APS
While the accuracy of qubit operations has been greatly improved in the last decade, further
development is demanded to achieve the ultimate goal: a fault-tolerant quantum computer …
development is demanded to achieve the ultimate goal: a fault-tolerant quantum computer …
Noise-agnostic quantum error mitigation with data augmented neural models
Quantum error mitigation, a data processing technique for recovering the statistics of target
processes from their noisy version, is a crucial task for near-term quantum technologies …
processes from their noisy version, is a crucial task for near-term quantum technologies …
A Review and Collection of Metrics and Benchmarks for Quantum Computers: definitions, methodologies and software
Quantum computers have the potential to provide an advantage over classical computers in
a number of areas. Numerous metrics to benchmark the performance of quantum computers …
a number of areas. Numerous metrics to benchmark the performance of quantum computers …
Flexible error mitigation of quantum processes with data augmentation empowered neural model
Neural networks have shown their effectiveness in various tasks in the realm of quantum
computing. However, their application in quantum error mitigation, a crucial step towards …
computing. However, their application in quantum error mitigation, a crucial step towards …
Efficient Characterization of Qudit Logical Gates with Gate Set Tomography Using an Error-Free Virtual Gate Model
Gate set tomography (GST) characterizes the process matrix of quantum logic gates, along
with measurement and state preparation errors in quantum processors. GST typically …
with measurement and state preparation errors in quantum processors. GST typically …
Exact survival probability of a time-dependent open Ising chain at zero temperature
T Suzuki - Physical Review Research, 2024 - APS
In this study, we rigorously derived the survival probability in a time-dependent Ising chain
coupled with a bosonic system at zero temperature. We found that nonadiabatic transitions …
coupled with a bosonic system at zero temperature. We found that nonadiabatic transitions …
[PDF][PDF] Report for the ASCR workshop on basic research needs in quantum computing and networking
Employing quantum mechanical resources in computing and networking opens the door to
new computation and communication models and potential disruptive advantages over …
new computation and communication models and potential disruptive advantages over …
Temporally correlated quantum noise in driven quantum systems
The ubiquitous effects of the environment on quantum-mechanical systems generally cause
temporally correlated fluctuations. This particularly holds for systems of interest for quantum …
temporally correlated fluctuations. This particularly holds for systems of interest for quantum …
Scalable noisy quantum circuits for biased-noise qubits
In this work, we consider biased-noise qubits affected only by bit-flip errors, which is
motivated by existing systems of stabilized cat qubits. This property allows us to design a …
motivated by existing systems of stabilized cat qubits. This property allows us to design a …