Genetic engineering of fungal biocontrol agents to achieve greater efficacy against insect pests
Molecular biology methods have elucidated pathogenic processes in several fungal
biocontrol agents including two of the most commonly applied entomopathogenic fungi …
biocontrol agents including two of the most commonly applied entomopathogenic fungi …
Biochemistry of insect epicuticle degradation by entomopathogenic fungi
The biochemical interaction between fungal pathogens and their insect host epicuticle was
studied by examining fungal hydrocarbon degrading ability. As a contact insecticide …
studied by examining fungal hydrocarbon degrading ability. As a contact insecticide …
Observed and anticipated impacts of drought on forest insects and diseases in the United States
Future anthropogenic-induced changes to the earth's climate will likely include increases in
temperature and changes in precipitation that will increase the frequency and severity of …
temperature and changes in precipitation that will increase the frequency and severity of …
[PDF][PDF] Effects of climate change on invasive species
Mean surface temperatures have increased globally by~ 0.7 C per century since 1900 and
0.16 C per decade since 1970 (Levinson and Fettig 2014). Most of this warming is believed …
0.16 C per decade since 1970 (Levinson and Fettig 2014). Most of this warming is believed …
Challenges in modelling complexity of fungal entomopathogens in semi-natural populations of insects
The use of fungal entomopathogens as microbial control agents has driven studies into their
ecology in crop ecosystems. Yet, there is still a lack of understanding of the ecology of these …
ecology in crop ecosystems. Yet, there is still a lack of understanding of the ecology of these …
Conservation biological control using fungal entomopathogens
JK Pell, JJ Hannam, DC Steinkraus - BioControl, 2010 - Springer
Conservation biological control relies on modification of the environment or management
practices to protect and encourage natural enemies that are already present within the …
practices to protect and encourage natural enemies that are already present within the …
Climate change drives reduced biocontrol of the invasive spongy moth
The effects of climate change on forest-defoliating insects are poorly understood, but could
severely reduce forest productivity, biodiversity and timber production. For decades …
severely reduce forest productivity, biodiversity and timber production. For decades …
Ecology and evolution of pathogens in natural populations of Lepidoptera
Pathogens are ubiquitous in insect populations and yet few studies examine their dynamics
and impacts on host populations. We discuss four lepidopteran systems and explore their …
and impacts on host populations. We discuss four lepidopteran systems and explore their …
Natural enemies and environmental factors affecting the population dynamics of the gypsy moth
The population densities of the gypsy moth (L ymantria dispar; Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)
may reach outbreak levels that pose considerable economic and environmental impacts to …
may reach outbreak levels that pose considerable economic and environmental impacts to …
The role of Allee effects in gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), invasions
Allee effects have been applied historically in efforts to understand the low-density
population dynamics of rare and endangered species. Many biological invasions likewise …
population dynamics of rare and endangered species. Many biological invasions likewise …