What's down there? The structures, materials and environment of deep-seated slow slip and tremor
Deep-seated slow slip and tremor (SST), including slow slip events, episodic tremor and
slip, and low-frequency earthquakes, occur downdip of the seismogenic zone of numerous …
slip, and low-frequency earthquakes, occur downdip of the seismogenic zone of numerous …
Metamorphic core complexes: Windows into the mechanics and rheology of the crust
Metamorphic core complexes are products of normal-fault displacements sufficient to
exhume rocks from below the brittle–ductile transition. These faults (detachments) may …
exhume rocks from below the brittle–ductile transition. These faults (detachments) may …
Flow laws and fabric transitions in wet quartzite
We investigated quartzite flow laws based on data from 21 different experimental studies on
samples deformed with added water at temperatures from 700 to 1200° C. Two clear trends …
samples deformed with added water at temperatures from 700 to 1200° C. Two clear trends …
Slab rupture and delamination under the Betics and Rif constrained from receiver functions
We map the lithospheric structure under the westernmost Mediterranean convergent setting
interpreting P-receiver functions obtained from a dense seismic network. No orogenic root …
interpreting P-receiver functions obtained from a dense seismic network. No orogenic root …
Brittle faults are weak, yet the ductile middle crust is strong: Implications for lithospheric mechanics
A global compilation of shear stress magnitude from mylonites developed along major fault
zones suggests that maximum shear stresses between 80 and 120 MPa are reached at …
zones suggests that maximum shear stresses between 80 and 120 MPa are reached at …
[HTML][HTML] Length scales and types of heterogeneities along the deep subduction interface: Insights from exhumed rocks on Syros Island, Greece
We use structural and microstructural observations from exhumed subduction-related rocks
exposed on Syros Island (Cyclades, Greece) to provide constraints on the length scales and …
exposed on Syros Island (Cyclades, Greece) to provide constraints on the length scales and …
Geological fingerprints of deep slow earthquakes: A review of field constraints and directions for future research
Slow earthquakes, including low-frequency earthquakes, tremor, and geodetically detected
slow-slip events, have been widely detected, most commonly at depths of 40–60 km in …
slow-slip events, have been widely detected, most commonly at depths of 40–60 km in …
Geologic evidence of lithostatic pore fluid pressures at the base of the subduction seismogenic zone
Geophysical and rheological work below the subduction seismogenic zone suggest that
elevated pore fluid pressures (Pfs) may facilitate slow slip and tremor. However …
elevated pore fluid pressures (Pfs) may facilitate slow slip and tremor. However …
Structural evolution, exhumation rates, and rheology of the European crust during Alpine collision: Constraints from the Rotondo granite—Gotthard nappe
The rheology of crystalline units controls the large‐scale deformation geometry and
dynamics of collisional orogens. Defining a time‐constrained rheological evolution of such …
dynamics of collisional orogens. Defining a time‐constrained rheological evolution of such …
Rheology and stress in subduction zones around the aseismic/seismic transition
Subduction channels are commonly occupied by deformed and metamorphosed basaltic
rocks, together with clastic and pelagic sediments, which form a zone up to several …
rocks, together with clastic and pelagic sediments, which form a zone up to several …