Applications of optical microcombs
Optical microcombs represent a new paradigm for generating laser frequency combs based
on compact chip-scale devices, which have underpinned many modern technological …
on compact chip-scale devices, which have underpinned many modern technological …
Frequency-bin photonic quantum information
Discrete frequency modes, or bins, present a blend of opportunities and challenges for
photonic quantum information processing. Frequency-bin-encoded photons are readily …
photonic quantum information processing. Frequency-bin-encoded photons are readily …
Integral order photonic RF signal processors based on a soliton crystal micro-comb source
Soliton crystal micro-combs are powerful tools as sources of multiple wavelength channels
for radio frequency (RF) signal processing. They offer a compact device footprint, a large …
for radio frequency (RF) signal processing. They offer a compact device footprint, a large …
Quantum optical microcombs
A key challenge for quantum science and technology is to realize large-scale, precisely
controllable, practical systems for non-classical secured communications, metrology and …
controllable, practical systems for non-classical secured communications, metrology and …
Photonic radio frequency channelizers based on Kerr optical micro-combs
We review recent work on broadband RF channelizers based on integrated optical
frequency Kerr micro-combs combined with passive micro-ring resonator filters, with …
frequency Kerr micro-combs combined with passive micro-ring resonator filters, with …
Micro-combs: A novel generation of optical sources
The quest towards the integration of ultra-fast, high-precision optical clocks is reflected in the
large number of high-impact papers on the topic published in the last few years. This interest …
large number of high-impact papers on the topic published in the last few years. This interest …
RF photonics: an optical microcombs' perspective
Over the past decade, optical frequency combs generated by high-Q microresonators, or
optical microcombs, which feature compact device footprints, low power consumption, and …
optical microcombs, which feature compact device footprints, low power consumption, and …
Fully on-chip photonic turnkey quantum source for entangled qubit/qudit state generation
Integrated photonics has recently become a leading platform for the realization and
processing of optical entangled quantum states in compact, robust and scalable chip …
processing of optical entangled quantum states in compact, robust and scalable chip …
Generation of multiphoton entangled quantum states by means of integrated frequency combs
Complex optical photon states with entanglement shared among several modes are critical
to improving our fundamental understanding of quantum mechanics and have applications …
to improving our fundamental understanding of quantum mechanics and have applications …
Scalable and effective multi-level entangled photon states: a promising tool to boost quantum technologies
Multi-level (qudit) entangled photon states are a key resource for both fundamental physics
and advanced applied science, as they can significantly boost the capabilities of novel …
and advanced applied science, as they can significantly boost the capabilities of novel …