[HTML][HTML] Broken foreland basins and the influence of subduction dynamics, tectonic inheritance, and mechanical triggers
Broken foreland basins are caused by crustal-scale contractional basement structures that
compartmentalize (or break) a contiguous retroarc or collisional foreland basin into smaller …
compartmentalize (or break) a contiguous retroarc or collisional foreland basin into smaller …
The role of flat slab subduction, ridge subduction, and tectonic inheritance in Andean deformation
Convergent plate boundaries show sharp variations in orogenic width and extent of
intraplate deformation. Analysis of late Cenozoic contractile deformation along the Andean …
intraplate deformation. Analysis of late Cenozoic contractile deformation along the Andean …
A comprehensive database of active and potentially-active continental faults in Chile at 1: 25,000 scale
V Maldonado, M Contreras, D Melnick - Scientific data, 2021 - nature.com
In seismically-active regions, map** active and potentially-active faults is the first step to
assess seismic hazards and site selection for paleoseismic studies that will estimate …
assess seismic hazards and site selection for paleoseismic studies that will estimate …
Unconformity development in retroarc foreland basins: implications for the geodynamics of Andean-type margins
BK Horton - Journal of the Geological Society, 2022 - lyellcollection.org
Unconformities in foreland basins may be generated by tectonic processes that operate in
the basin, the adjacent fold–thrust belt or the broader convergent margin. Foreland basin …
the basin, the adjacent fold–thrust belt or the broader convergent margin. Foreland basin …
Landslides in the glaciated mountains of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru—Types, spatial distribution, and conditioning factors
Landslides are typical landforming processes of high, glaciated mountains and represent
hazards to communities living in these landscapes. Despite that, few detailed and reliable …
hazards to communities living in these landscapes. Despite that, few detailed and reliable …
Long‐term lithospheric strength and upper‐plate seismicity in the southern central Andes, 29–39 S
C Rodriguez Piceda… - Geochemistry …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
We examined the relationship between the mechanical strength of the lithosphere and the
distribution of seismicity within the overriding continental plate of the southern Central Andes …
distribution of seismicity within the overriding continental plate of the southern Central Andes …
Application of TOPSIS model in active tectonic prioritization: Madeira watershed, South America
The Andes orogenic belt is one of the most tectonically active zones located between the
convergent margins of the South American plate and the Pacific plate. From the dissected …
convergent margins of the South American plate and the Pacific plate. From the dissected …
Continental-scale structural heritage from rift extension to postrift inversion: Implications for the central Brazilian Equatorial Margin evolution
The link between major basement anisotropies and basin evolution is crucial for
understanding the role of tectonic inheritance on continental margins. However, it is still a …
understanding the role of tectonic inheritance on continental margins. However, it is still a …
Granitic inselberg erosion controlled by dike swarm array in semiarid Brazil
Numerous inselbergs rise above the regional erosional surface in semiarid northeastern
Brazil. The inselbergs are underlain by the Quixadá Pluton and cut by cm-thick granite dike …
Brazil. The inselbergs are underlain by the Quixadá Pluton and cut by cm-thick granite dike …
Kinematic Evolution of the Santa Bárbara System in the Foreland of the Central Andes of Northwestern Argentina (26° S)
Compared to the thin‐skinned Subandean foreland fold‐and‐thrust belt of northern
Argentina and Bolivia, the tectonically active morphotectonic province of the Santa Bárbara …
Argentina and Bolivia, the tectonically active morphotectonic province of the Santa Bárbara …