A quasineutral type limit for the Navier–Stokes–Poisson system with large data
In this paper we investigate a quasineutral type limit for the Navier–Stokes–Poisson system.
We prove that the projection of the approximating velocity fields on the divergence-free …
We prove that the projection of the approximating velocity fields on the divergence-free …
[PDF][PDF] Stability of rarefaction wave and boundary layer for outflow problem on the two-fluid Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations
In this paper, we are concerned with the initial boundary value problem on the two-fluid
Navier-Stokes-Poisson system in the half-line R+. We establish the global-in-time asymptotic …
Navier-Stokes-Poisson system in the half-line R+. We establish the global-in-time asymptotic …
Structural stability of subsonic steady states to the hydrodynamic model for semiconductors with sonic boundary
The hydrodynamic model for semiconductors with sonic boundary, represented by Euler–
Poisson equations, possesses the various physical steady states including interior …
Poisson equations, possesses the various physical steady states including interior …
Asymptotic stability of stationary solutions to the Euler-Poisson equationsarising in plasma physics
M Suzuki - Kinetic and Related Models, 2011 - aimsciences.org
The main concern of the present paper is to analyze a sheath formed around a surface of a
material with which plasma contacts. Here, for a formation of the sheath, the Bohm criterion …
material with which plasma contacts. Here, for a formation of the sheath, the Bohm criterion …
Euler–Poisson systems as action-minimizing paths in the Wasserstein space
This paper uses a variational approach to establish existence of solutions (σ t, vt) for the 1-d
Euler–Poisson system by minimizing an action. We assume that the initial and terminal …
Euler–Poisson system by minimizing an action. We assume that the initial and terminal …
Burgers--Poisson: A nonlinear dispersive model equation
A dispersive model equation is considered, which has been proposed by Whitham [Linear
and Nonlinear Waves, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974] as a shallow water model, and …
and Nonlinear Waves, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974] as a shallow water model, and …
Quasi-neutral limit, dispersion, and oscillations for Korteweg-type fluids
In the setting of general initial data and the whole space we perform a rigorous analysis of
the quasi-neutral limit for a hydrodynamical model of a viscous plasma with capillarity tensor …
the quasi-neutral limit for a hydrodynamical model of a viscous plasma with capillarity tensor …
Spectral instability of small-amplitude periodic waves of the electronic Euler–Poisson system
The present work shows that essentially all small-amplitude periodic traveling waves of the
electronic Euler–Poisson system are spectrally unstable. This instability is neither …
electronic Euler–Poisson system are spectrally unstable. This instability is neither …
Analysis of oscillations and defect measures for the quasineutral limit in plasma physics
We perform a rigorous analysis of the quasineutral limit for a hydrodynamical model of a
viscous plasma represented by the Navier–Stokes–Poisson system in three dimensions. We …
viscous plasma represented by the Navier–Stokes–Poisson system in three dimensions. We …
[HTML][HTML] Ion-acoustic shock in a collisional plasma
The paper is concerned with the propagation of ion-acoustic shock waves in a collision
dominated plasma whose equations of motion are described by the one-dimensional …
dominated plasma whose equations of motion are described by the one-dimensional …