Direct detection of dark matter—APPEC committee report
This report provides an extensive review of the experimental programme of direct detection
searches of particle dark matter. It focuses mostly on European efforts, both current and …
searches of particle dark matter. It focuses mostly on European efforts, both current and …
New experimental approaches in the search for axion-like particles
Axions and other very light axion-like particles appear in many extensions of the Standard
Model, and are leading candidates to compose part or all of the missing matter of the …
Model, and are leading candidates to compose part or all of the missing matter of the …
Search for new physics with atoms and molecules
This article reviews recent developments in tests of fundamental physics using atoms and
molecules, including the subjects of parity violation, searches for permanent electric dipole …
molecules, including the subjects of parity violation, searches for permanent electric dipole …
New horizons: Scalar and vector ultralight dark matter
The last decade has seen unprecedented effort in dark matter model building at all mass
scales coupled with the design of numerous new detection strategies. Transformative …
scales coupled with the design of numerous new detection strategies. Transformative …
Search for topological defect dark matter with a global network of optical magnetometers
Ultralight bosons such as axion-like particles are viable candidates for dark matter. They can
form stable, macroscopic field configurations in the form of topological defects that could …
form stable, macroscopic field configurations in the form of topological defects that could …
Testing gravity with cold atom interferometry: results and prospects
Atom interferometers have been developed in the last three decades as new powerful tools
to investigate gravity. They were used for measuring the gravity acceleration, the gravity …
to investigate gravity. They were used for measuring the gravity acceleration, the gravity …
New insights into the formation and growth of boson stars in dark matter halos
This work studies the formation and growth of boson stars and their surrounding miniclusters
by gravitational condensation using nonlinear dynamical numerical methods. Fully …
by gravitational condensation using nonlinear dynamical numerical methods. Fully …
Stochastic fluctuations of bosonic dark matter
Numerous theories extending beyond the standard model of particle physics predict the
existence of bosons that could constitute dark matter. In the standard halo model of galactic …
existence of bosons that could constitute dark matter. In the standard halo model of galactic …
Probing fundamental physics with spin-based quantum sensors
The applications of spin-based quantum sensors to measurements probing fundamental
physics are surveyed. Experimental methods and technologies developed for spin-based …
physics are surveyed. Experimental methods and technologies developed for spin-based …
Heterodyne broadband detection of axion dark matter
We propose a new broadband search strategy for ultralight axion dark matter that interacts
with electromagnetism. An oscillating axion field induces transitions between two …
with electromagnetism. An oscillating axion field induces transitions between two …