Molecules consolidate the placental mammal tree
Deciphering relationships among the orders of placental mammals remains an important
problem in evolutionary biology and has implications for understanding patterns of …
problem in evolutionary biology and has implications for understanding patterns of …
A complete phylogeny of the whales, dolphins and even-toed hoofed mammals (Cetartiodactyla)
Despite the biological and economic importance of the Cetartiodactyla, the phylogeny of this
clade remains controversial. Using the supertree approach of matrix representation with …
clade remains controversial. Using the supertree approach of matrix representation with …
Divergence date estimation and a comprehensive molecular tree of extant cetaceans
Cetaceans are remarkable among mammals for their numerous adaptations to an entirely
aquatic existence, yet many aspects of their phylogeny remain unresolved. Here we merged …
aquatic existence, yet many aspects of their phylogeny remain unresolved. Here we merged …
A phylogenetic blueprint for a modern whale
The emergence of Cetacea in the Paleogene represents one of the most profound
macroevolutionary transitions within Mammalia. The move from a terrestrial habitat to a …
macroevolutionary transitions within Mammalia. The move from a terrestrial habitat to a …
Origin of whales from early artiodactyls: hands and feet of Eocene Protocetidae from Pakistan
PD Gingerich, M Haq, IS Zalmout, IH Khan, MS Malkani - Science, 2001 - science.org
Partial skeletons of two new fossil whales, Artiocetus clavis and Rodhocetus
balochistanensis, are among the oldest known protocetid archaeocetes. These came from …
balochistanensis, are among the oldest known protocetid archaeocetes. These came from …
Mammalian mitogenomic relationships and the root of the eutherian tree
U Arnason, JA Adegoke, K Bodin, EW Born… - Proceedings of the …, 2002 - pnas.org
The strict orthology of mitochondrial (mt) coding sequences has promoted their use in
phylogenetic analyses at different levels. Here we present the results of a mitogenomic study …
phylogenetic analyses at different levels. Here we present the results of a mitogenomic study …
Phylogenetic relationships among cetartiodactyls based on insertions of short and long interpersed elements: hippopotamuses are the closest extant relatives of …
Insertion analysis of short and long interspersed elements is a powerful method for
phylogenetic inference. In a previous study of short interspersed element data, it was found …
phylogenetic inference. In a previous study of short interspersed element data, it was found …
Phylogenetic relationships of artiodactyls and cetaceans as deduced from the comparison of cytochrome b and 12S rRNA mitochondrial sequences.
C Montgelard, FM Catzeflis… - Molecular Biology and …, 1997 - academic.oup.com
A data set of complete mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rDNA sequences is presented
here for 17 representatives of Artiodactyla and Cetacea, together with potential outgroups …
here for 17 representatives of Artiodactyla and Cetacea, together with potential outgroups …
[KNIHA][B] MOLPHY version 2.3: programs for molecular phylogenetics based on maximum likelihood
J Adachi, M Hasegawa - 1996 - researchgate.net
Phylogenetic knowledge is indispensable in evolutionary biology, and molecular
phylogenetics has become an important tool in inferring phylogenetic relationships among …
phylogenetics has become an important tool in inferring phylogenetic relationships among …
Molecular and morphological phylogenies of Ruminantia and the alternative position of the Moschidae
The ruminants constitute the largest group of ungulates, with> 190 species, and its
distribution is widespread throughout all continents except Australia and Antarctica. Six …
distribution is widespread throughout all continents except Australia and Antarctica. Six …