Valuing the contributions of non-native species to people and nature
While decision-making can benefit from considering positive and negative outcomes of
change, over the past half-century, research on non-native species has focused …
change, over the past half-century, research on non-native species has focused …
Invasion biology: specific problems and possible solutions
Biological invasions have been unambiguously shown to be one of the major global causes
of biodiversity loss. Despite the magnitude of this threat and recent scientific advances, this …
of biodiversity loss. Despite the magnitude of this threat and recent scientific advances, this …
[KNJIGA][B] Biological Invasions in South Africa
This open access volume presents a comprehensive account of all aspects of biological
invasions in South Africa, where research has been conducted over more than three …
invasions in South Africa, where research has been conducted over more than three …
Impacts of invasive alien species on nature, nature's contributions to people, and good quality of life
“The cardoon (Cynara cardunculus) has a far wider range: it now occurs in these latitudes
on both sides of the Cordillera, across the continent. I saw it in unfrequented spots in Chile …
on both sides of the Cordillera, across the continent. I saw it in unfrequented spots in Chile …
Managing conflict-generating invasive species in South Africa: Challenges and trade-offs
Background: This paper reviewed the benefits and negative impacts of alien species that are
currently listed in the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations of the National Environmental …
currently listed in the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations of the National Environmental …
Twenty‐five essential research questions to inform the protection and restoration of freshwater biodiversity
Freshwater biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate. Freshwater conservationists
and environmental managers have enough evidence to demonstrate that action must not be …
and environmental managers have enough evidence to demonstrate that action must not be …
[PDF][PDF] Confronting the wicked problem of managing biological invasions
The Anthropocene Epoch is characterized by novel and increasingly complex dependencies
between the environment and human civilization, with many challenges of biodiversity …
between the environment and human civilization, with many challenges of biodiversity …
[PDF][PDF] Alien freshwater fauna in South Africa
Alien freshwater fauna in South Africa Page 173 Chapter 6 Alien Freshwater Fauna in
South Africa Olaf LF Weyl, Bruce R. Ellender, Ryan J. Wassermann, Marliese Truter …
South Africa Olaf LF Weyl, Bruce R. Ellender, Ryan J. Wassermann, Marliese Truter …
The potential impact of aquaculture on the genetic diversity and conservation of wild fish in sub‐Saharan Africa
An increasing focus on aquaculture using introduced strains or species poses a serious
threat to native wild species in sub‐Saharan Africa, yet almost no policies have been …
threat to native wild species in sub‐Saharan Africa, yet almost no policies have been …
A review of Clarias gariepinus invasions in Brazil and South Africa
OLF Weyl, VS Daga, BR Ellender… - Journal of fish …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
African sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus is native to most of Africa and small parts of
Asia, but has been introduced to 37 countries mainly for aquaculture. This review of …
Asia, but has been introduced to 37 countries mainly for aquaculture. This review of …