Hyporheic flow and transport processes: Mechanisms, models, and biogeochemical implications
Fifty years of hyporheic zone research have shown the important role played by the
hyporheic zone as an interface between groundwater and surface waters. However, it is only …
hyporheic zone as an interface between groundwater and surface waters. However, it is only …
River corridor science: Hydrologic exchange and ecological consequences from bedforms to basins
Previously regarded as the passive drains of watersheds, over the past 50 years, rivers have
progressively been recognized as being actively connected with off‐channel environments …
progressively been recognized as being actively connected with off‐channel environments …
Hydrological and biogeochemical controls on watershed dissolved organic matter transport: Pulse‐shunt concept
Hydrological precipitation and snowmelt events trigger large “pulse” releases of terrestrial
dissolved organic matter (DOM) into drainage networks due to an increase in DOM …
dissolved organic matter (DOM) into drainage networks due to an increase in DOM …
Hydrologic connectivity as a framework for understanding biogeochemical flux through watersheds and along fluvial networks
T Covino - Geomorphology, 2017 - Elsevier
Hydrologic connections can link hillslopes to channel networks, streams to lakes, subsurface
to surface, land to atmosphere, terrestrial to aquatic, and upstream to downstream. These …
to surface, land to atmosphere, terrestrial to aquatic, and upstream to downstream. These …
Biogeochemical hotspots: Role of small water bodies in landscape nutrient processing
Increased loading of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from agricultural and urban
intensification has led to severe degradation of inland and coastal waters. Lakes, reservoirs …
intensification has led to severe degradation of inland and coastal waters. Lakes, reservoirs …
Stream denitrification across biomes and its response to anthropogenic nitrate loading
Anthropogenic addition of bioavailable nitrogen to the biosphere is increasing, and
terrestrial ecosystems are becoming increasingly nitrogen-saturated, causing more …
terrestrial ecosystems are becoming increasingly nitrogen-saturated, causing more …
Nutrient spiraling in streams and river networks
Over the past 3 decades, nutrient spiraling has become a unifying paradigm for stream
biogeochemical research. This paper presents (1) a quantitative synthesis of the nutrient …
biogeochemical research. This paper presents (1) a quantitative synthesis of the nutrient …
The regional and global significance of nitrogen removal in lakes and reservoirs
Human activities have greatly increased the transport of biologically available nitrogen (N)
through watersheds to potentially sensitive coastal ecosystems. Lentic water bodies (lakes …
through watersheds to potentially sensitive coastal ecosystems. Lentic water bodies (lakes …
Coupling global models for hydrology and nutrient loading to simulate nitrogen and phosphorus retention in surface water–description of IMAGE–GNM and analysis of …
The Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment–Global Nutrient Model (IMAGE–
GNM) is a global distributed, spatially explicit model using hydrology as the basis for …
GNM) is a global distributed, spatially explicit model using hydrology as the basis for …
Corn-based ethanol production compromises goal of reducing nitrogen export by the Mississippi River
Corn cultivation in the United States is expected to increase to meet demand for ethanol.
Nitrogen leaching from fertilized corn fields to the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River system is a …
Nitrogen leaching from fertilized corn fields to the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River system is a …