[HTML][HTML] Transformative marketing in the new normal: A novel practice-scholarly integrative review of business-to-business marketing mix challenges, opportunities …

WM Lim - Journal of Business Research, 2023 - Elsevier
Transformative marketing has been heralded as the future of marketing. While the initial
catalyst for transformative marketing was the desire of customers for more meaningful …

Business-to-business marketing responses to COVID-19 crisis: a business process perspective

J Kang, Z Diao, MT Zanini - Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to identify appropriate strategies and actions adopted by business-
to-business firms to cope with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Design/methodology/approach …

Supply chain viability and the COVID-19 pandemic: a conceptual and formal generalisation of four major adaptation strategies

D Ivanov - International Journal of Production Research, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged supply chains (SC) on an unprecedented scale
testing viability and adaptation under severe uncertainty. However, the literature on the …

[HTML][HTML] The role of business model innovation in the hospitality industry during the COVID-19 crisis

M Breier, A Kallmuenzer, T Clauss, J Gast… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
The hospitality industry worldwide is among the hardest-hit industries from the COVID-19
lockdowns. Initial theoretical and practical observations in the hospitality industry indicate …

Temporary business model innovation–SMEs' innovation response to the Covid‐19 crisis

T Clauss, M Breier, S Kraus, S Durst… - R&d …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The Covid‐19 crisis has hit SMEs particularly hard. Numerous business models (BM) have
been limited or rendered downright impossible due to decreased social contact. SMEs can …

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel behavior in Istanbul: A panel data analysis

S Shakibaei, GC De Jong, P Alpkökin… - Sustainable cities and …, 2021 - Elsevier
The COVID-19 pandemic, which was reported in early January 2020 in China and spread
rapidly around the globe, will certainly remain as one of the most impactful disruptive events …

Artificial intelligence and SMEs: How can B2B SMEs leverage AI platforms to integrate AI technologies?

R Wei, C Pardo - Industrial Marketing Management, 2022 - Elsevier
Drawing on the SDL perspective whereby platforms are seen as multi-layered modular
structures, our work adopts a case study approach to investigate how small and medium …

Transcending the COVID-19 crisis: Business resilience and innovation of the restaurant industry in China

B Li, YY Zhong, T Zhang, N Hua - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism …, 2021 - Elsevier
Utilizing the content analysis approach, this study analyzed 153 textual information sources
to explore Chinese restaurant enterprises' innovative activities during and after COVID-19 …

Risking it all in the metaverse ecosystem: forecasting resistance towards the enterprise metaverse

A Kumar, A Shankar, AS Shaik, G Jain… - … Technology & People, 2025 - emerald.com
Purpose This study investigates organizations' non-adoption intention towards the
enterprise metaverse. The innovation resistance theory (IRT) is used as an underpinning …

[HTML][HTML] Innovating agri-food business models after the Covid-19 pandemic: The impact of digital technologies on the value creation and value capture mechanisms

I Mancuso, AM Petruzzelli, U Panniello - Technological Forecasting and …, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the phenomenon of business models innovation (BMI) empowered
by digital technologies and activated as a response to Covid-19 crisis. In fact, during the …