Genetic architecture: the shape of the genetic contribution to human traits and disease
Genetic architecture describes the characteristics of genetic variation that are responsible for
heritable phenotypic variability. It depends on the number of genetic variants affecting a trait …
heritable phenotypic variability. It depends on the number of genetic variants affecting a trait …
Phenotypic plasticity: from theory and genetics to current and future challenges
RJ Sommer - Genetics, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Phenotypic plasticity is defined as the property of organisms to produce distinct phenotypes
in response to environmental variation. While for more than a century, biologists have …
in response to environmental variation. While for more than a century, biologists have …
Opportunities to improve resilience in animal breeding programs
TVL Berghof, M Poppe, HA Mulder - Frontiers in genetics, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Resilience is the capacity of an animal to be minimally affected by disturbances or to rapidly
return to the state pertained before exposure to a disturbance. However, indicators for …
return to the state pertained before exposure to a disturbance. However, indicators for …
The pleiotropic structure of the genotype–phenotype map: the evolvability of complex organisms
It was first noticed 100 years ago that mutations tend to affect more than one phenotypic
characteristic, a phenomenon that was called'pleiotropy'. Because pleiotropy was found so …
characteristic, a phenomenon that was called'pleiotropy'. Because pleiotropy was found so …
Adaptation to an extraordinary environment by evolution of phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation
R Lande - Journal of evolutionary biology, 2009 - academic.oup.com
Adaptation to a sudden extreme change in environment, beyond the usual range of
background environmental fluctuations, is analysed using a quantitative genetic model of …
background environmental fluctuations, is analysed using a quantitative genetic model of …
Pervasive robustness in biological systems
MA Félix, M Barkoulas - Nature Reviews Genetics, 2015 - nature.com
Robustness is characterized by the invariant expression of a phenotype in the face of a
genetic and/or environmental perturbation. Although phenotypic variance is a central …
genetic and/or environmental perturbation. Although phenotypic variance is a central …
[КНИГА][B] Mechanisms of life history evolution: the genetics and physiology of life history traits and trade-offs
Life history theory seeks to explain the evolution of the major features of life cycles by
analyzing the ecological factors that shape age-specific schedules of growth, reproduction …
analyzing the ecological factors that shape age-specific schedules of growth, reproduction …
The evolution of growth trajectories: what limits growth rate?
CM Dmitriew - Biological Reviews, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
According to life‐history theory, growth rates are subject to strong directional selection due
to reproductive and survival advantages associated with large adult body size. Yet, growth is …
to reproductive and survival advantages associated with large adult body size. Yet, growth is …
Plasticity and robustness in development and evolution
P Bateson, P Gluckman - International Journal of Epidemiology, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Biology presents many wonders, but one of the most remarkable is how a complex
multicellular organism grows from a single cell. Until recently, the processes involved …
multicellular organism grows from a single cell. Until recently, the processes involved …
Adaptation to marginal habitats
TJ Kawecki - Annual review of ecology, evolution, and …, 2008 - annualreviews.org
The ability to adapt to marginal habitats, in which survival and reproduction are initially poor,
plays a crucial role in the evolution of ecological niches and species ranges. Adaptation to …
plays a crucial role in the evolution of ecological niches and species ranges. Adaptation to …