Ten years of value cocreation: An integrative review
Since Prahalad and Ramaswamy published their seminal text, vast literature on value
cocreation has emerged. Yet value cocreation still suffers from the lack of a clear consensus …
cocreation has emerged. Yet value cocreation still suffers from the lack of a clear consensus …
An ecosystem perspective synthesis of co-creation research
Extant research examines numerous aspects of co-creation and offers a volume of important
insights. We seek to build a clear understanding of the resulting co-creation research …
insights. We seek to build a clear understanding of the resulting co-creation research …
The Coronavirus crisis in B2B settings: Crisis uniqueness and managerial implications based on social exchange theory
The current Coronavirus crisis is having disastrous effects for most B2B firms around the
world. The decline in sales provokes intra-organizational and inter-organizational tension …
world. The decline in sales provokes intra-organizational and inter-organizational tension …
What is co-creation? An interactional creation framework and its implications for value creation
The “co-creation” label has proliferated over the past decade. With little consensus on what
“co-creation” is, we offer a novel, unifying perspective by anchoring its theorization in …
“co-creation” is, we offer a novel, unifying perspective by anchoring its theorization in …
Value co-creation in industrial AI: The interactive role of B2B supplier, customer and technology provider
This research explores the interactive role of supplier, customer and technology company in
business-to-business (B2B) marketing when they develop and use industrial artificial …
business-to-business (B2B) marketing when they develop and use industrial artificial …
The relationship between knowledge search strategies and absorptive capacity: A deeper look
The present study analyzes how the breadth and depth of search strategies affect the
dimensions of a firm's absorptive capacity: exploration, transformation and exploitation …
dimensions of a firm's absorptive capacity: exploration, transformation and exploitation …
The dark side of coopetition: when collaborating with competitors is harmful for company performance
J M. Crick - Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose Coopetition is the interplay between cooperation and competition, involving
organisations sharing resources and capabilities with rival entities. Earlier work has …
organisations sharing resources and capabilities with rival entities. Earlier work has …
Scale development and validation for DART model of value co-creation process on innovation strategy
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to validate scale measurements of dialogue, access,
risk assessment and transparency (DART) constructs, as the process of value-co-creation …
risk assessment and transparency (DART) constructs, as the process of value-co-creation …
More is not always better: The impact of value co‐creation fit on B2B and B2C customer satisfaction
Organizations increasingly rely on customer involvement in the value creation process (ie,
co‐creation) to enhance customer satisfaction and differentiate themselves from competitors …
co‐creation) to enhance customer satisfaction and differentiate themselves from competitors …
Value co-creation in business-to-business context: A bibliometric analysis using HistCite and VOS viewer
F Ullah, L Shen, SHH Shah - Frontiers in Psychology, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Abstract purpose Value co-creation (VCC) recently displayed a significant increase in the
frequency of publications in business studies and social sciences. Our study objects to …
frequency of publications in business studies and social sciences. Our study objects to …