Microbially mediated transformations of phosphorus in the sea: new views of an old cycle

DM Karl - Annual review of marine science, 2014 - annualreviews.org
Phosphorus (P) is a required element for life. Its various chemical forms are found
throughout the lithosphere and hydrosphere, where they are acted on by numerous abiotic …

Global analysis of ocean phytoplankton nutrient limitation reveals high prevalence of co-limitation

TJ Browning, CM Moore - Nature Communications, 2023 - nature.com
Nutrient availability limits phytoplankton growth throughout much of the global ocean. Here
we synthesize available experimental data to identify three dominant nutrient limitation …

Metagenomic analysis reveals global-scale patterns of ocean nutrient limitation

LJ Ustick, AA Larkin, CA Garcia, NS Garcia, ML Brock… - Science, 2021 - science.org
Nutrient supply regulates the activity of phytoplankton, but the global biogeography of
nutrient limitation and co-limitation is poorly understood. Prochlorococcus adapt to local …

Phytoplankton responses to changing temperature and nutrient availability are consistent across the tropical and subtropical Atlantic

C Fernández-González, GA Tarran… - Communications …, 2022 - nature.com
Temperature and nutrient supply interactively control phytoplankton growth and productivity,
yet the role of these drivers together still has not been determined experimentally over large …

Increasing importance of small phytoplankton in a warmer ocean

XAG Morán, Á LÓPEZ‐URRUTIA… - Global Change …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
The macroecological relationships among marine phytoplankton total cell density,
community size structure and temperature have lacked a theoretical explanation. The tiniest …

Effects of solar UV radiation and climate change on biogeochemical cycling: interactions and feedbacks

RG Zepp, DJ Erickson Iii, ND Paul… - Photochemical & …, 2011 - pubs.rsc.org
Solar UV radiation, climate and other drivers of global change are undergoing significant
changes and models forecast that these changes will continue for the remainder of this …

Persistent equatorial Pacific iron limitation under ENSO forcing

TJ Browning, MA Saito, SP Garaba, X Wang… - Nature, 2023 - nature.com
Projected responses of ocean net primary productivity to climate change are highly
uncertain. Models suggest that the climate sensitivity of phytoplankton nutrient limitation in …

Resource supply overrides temperature as a controlling factor of marine phytoplankton growth

E Marañón, P Cermeño, M Huete-Ortega… - PloS one, 2014 - journals.plos.org
The universal temperature dependence of metabolic rates has been used to predict how
ocean biology will respond to ocean warming. Determining the temperature sensitivity of …

Degree of oligotrophy controls the response of microbial plankton to Saharan dust

E Marañén, A Fernández… - Limnology and …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
To determine the effects of Saharan dust on the abundance, biomass, community structure,
and metabolic activity of oceanic microbial plankton, we conducted eight bioassay …

Modeling continuous cultures of microalgae colimited by nitrogen and phosphorus

G Bougaran, O Bernard, A Sciandra - Journal of theoretical biology, 2010 - Elsevier
It is well documented that the combination of low nitrogen and phosphorus resources can
lead to situations where colimitation of phytoplankton growth arises, yet the underlying …