GaAs integrated quantum photonics: towards compact and multi‐functional quantum photonic integrated circuits
The recent progress in integrated quantum optics has set the stage for the development of
an integrated platform for quantum information processing with photons, with potential …
an integrated platform for quantum information processing with photons, with potential …
Epitaxial quantum dots: a semiconductor launchpad for photonic quantum technologies
Epitaxial quantum dots formed by III–V compound semiconductors are excellent sources of
non-classical photons, creating single photons and entangled multi-photon states on …
non-classical photons, creating single photons and entangled multi-photon states on …
Tailoring solid-state single-photon sources with stimulated emissions
The coherent interaction of electromagnetic fields with solid-state two-level systems can
yield deterministic quantum light sources for photonic quantum technologies. To date, the …
yield deterministic quantum light sources for photonic quantum technologies. To date, the …
Dynamic resonance fluorescence in solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics
The coherent interaction between a two-level system and electromagnetic fields serves as a
foundation for fundamental quantum physics and modern photonic quantum technology. A …
foundation for fundamental quantum physics and modern photonic quantum technology. A …
Optomechanical wave mixing by a single quantum dot
Wave mixing is an archetypical phenomenon in bosonic systems. In optomechanics, the
bidirectional conversion between electromagnetic waves or photons at optical frequencies …
bidirectional conversion between electromagnetic waves or photons at optical frequencies …
Spatiospectral control of spontaneous emission
We propose a scheme aimed at achieving spatiospectral control over spontaneous emission
within a four-level atom-light coupling system interacting with optical vortices carrying orbital …
within a four-level atom-light coupling system interacting with optical vortices carrying orbital …
Coherent control of the optical absorption in a plasmonic lattice coupled to a luminescent layer
We experimentally demonstrate the coherent control, ie, phase-dependent enhancement
and suppression, of the optical absorption in an array of metallic nanoantennas covered by …
and suppression, of the optical absorption in an array of metallic nanoantennas covered by …
Efficient control of coulomb enhanced second harmonic generation from excitonic transitions in quantum dot ensembles
HY Ramírez, J Flórez, ÁS Camacho - Physical Chemistry Chemical …, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
In this work, the second harmonic generation from excitonic transitions in semiconductor
quantum dots is computationally studied. By integrating a density matrix treatment with a …
quantum dots is computationally studied. By integrating a density matrix treatment with a …
Cavity-enhanced simultaneous dressing of quantum dot exciton and biexciton states
We demonstrate the simultaneous dressing of both vacuum-to-exciton and exciton-to-
biexciton transitions of a single semiconductor quantum dot in a high-Q micropillar cavity …
biexciton transitions of a single semiconductor quantum dot in a high-Q micropillar cavity …
Terahertz lasing in ensemble of asymmetric quantum dots
We propose a scheme of terahertz laser based on an ensemble of asymmetric quantum dots
dressed by an intense electromagnetic field. THz emission originates from the transitions at …
dressed by an intense electromagnetic field. THz emission originates from the transitions at …