Bringing structure to cell biology with cryo-electron tomography

LN Young, E Villa - Annual review of biophysics, 2023 -
Recent advances in cryo-electron microscopy have marked only the beginning of the
potential of this technique. To bring structure into cell biology, the modality of cryo-electron …

AlphaFold 2 and NMR spectroscopy: partners to understand protein structure, dynamics and function

DV Laurents - Frontiers in molecular biosciences, 2022 -
The artificial intelligence program AlphaFold 2 is revolutionizing the field of protein structure
determination as it accurately predicts the 3D structure of two thirds of the human proteome …

A Bayesian approach to single-particle electron cryo-tomography in RELION-4.0

J Zivanov, J Otón, Z Ke, A von Kügelgen, E Pyle, K Qu… - Elife, 2022 -
We present a new approach for macromolecular structure determination from multiple
particles in electron cryo-tomography (cryo-ET) data sets. Whereas existing subtomogram …

Parallel cryo electron tomography on in situ lamellae

F Eisenstein, H Yanagisawa, H Kashihara, M Kikkawa… - Nature …, 2023 -
In situ cryo electron tomography of cryo focused ion beam milled samples has emerged in
recent years as a powerful technique for structural studies of macromolecular complexes in …

Molecular architecture of coronavirus double-membrane vesicle pore complex

Y Huang, T Wang, L Zhong, W Zhang, Y Zhang, X Yu… - Nature, 2024 -
Coronaviruses remodel the intracellular host membranes during replication, forming double-
membrane vesicles (DMVs) to accommodate viral RNA synthesis and modifications,. SARS …

STOPGAP: an open-source package for template matching, subtomogram alignment and classification

W Wan, S Khavnekar, J Wagner - Biological Crystallography, 2024 -
Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) enables molecular-resolution 3D imaging of complex
biological specimens such as viral particles, cellular sections and, in some cases, whole …

Structure and assembly of cargo Rubisco in two native α-carboxysomes

T Ni, Y Sun, W Burn, MMJ Al-Hazeem, Y Zhu… - Nature …, 2022 -
Carboxysomes are a family of bacterial microcompartments in cyanobacteria and
chemoautotrophs. They encapsulate Ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase …

MiLoPYP: self-supervised molecular pattern mining and particle localization in situ

Q Huang, Y Zhou, A Bartesaghi - Nature Methods, 2024 -
Cryo-electron tomography allows the routine visualization of cellular landscapes in three
dimensions at nanometer-range resolutions. When combined with single-particle …

The membrane surface as a platform that organizes cellular and biochemical processes

TA Leonard, M Loose, S Martens - Developmental cell, 2023 -
Membranes are essential for life. They act as semi-permeable boundaries that define cells
and organelles. In addition, their surfaces actively participate in biochemical reaction …

Structure and activity of particulate methane monooxygenase arrays in methanotrophs

Y Zhu, CW Koo, CK Cassidy, MC Spink, T Ni… - Nature …, 2022 -
Methane-oxidizing bacteria play a central role in greenhouse gas mitigation and have
potential applications in biomanufacturing. Their primary metabolic enzyme, particulate …