A fair multi-attribute combinatorial double auction model for resource allocation in cloud computing
Recently, Cloud computing has emerged as a market where computing related resources
are treated as a utility and are priced. There is a big competition among the Cloud service …
are treated as a utility and are priced. There is a big competition among the Cloud service …
How to restrain participants opt out in shared parking market? A fair recurrent double auction approach
We propose a fair recurrent double VCG (FRD-VCG) auction mechanism to approach the
emerging shared parking management problem. In a given shared parking environment with …
emerging shared parking management problem. In a given shared parking environment with …
A truthful and fair multi-attribute combinatorial reverse auction for resource procurement in cloud computing
Resource procurement using reverse auction in Cloud computing is an interesting but a
complex problem as it involves many attributes and constraints. Reverse auction is a …
complex problem as it involves many attributes and constraints. Reverse auction is a …
Multi-attribute auctions with different types of attributes: Enacting properties in multi-attribute auctions
Multi-attribute auctions allow agents to sell and purchase goods and services taking into
account more attributes than just price (eg service time, tolerances, qualities, etc.). In this …
account more attributes than just price (eg service time, tolerances, qualities, etc.). In this …
Multi-dimensional fairness for auction-based resource allocation
Multi-attribute resource allocation problems involve the allocation of resources on the basis
of several attributes, therefore, the definition of a fairness method for this kind of auctions …
of several attributes, therefore, the definition of a fairness method for this kind of auctions …
Fair mechanisms for combinatorial reverse auction-based cloud market
Cloud computing is a business model of computing. Cloud providers started offering
computing resources using various market-based allocation mechanisms. In combinatorial …
computing resources using various market-based allocation mechanisms. In combinatorial …
Fairness in recurrent auctions with competing markets and supply fluctuations
Auctions have been used to deal with resource allocation in multiagent environments,
especially in service‐oriented electronic markets. In this type of market, resources are …
especially in service‐oriented electronic markets. In this type of market, resources are …
Real-time Pricing-based Resource Allocation in Open Market Environments
Open market environments consist of a set of participants (vendors and consumers) that
dynamically leave or join the market. As a result, the arising dynamism leads to uncertainties …
dynamically leave or join the market. As a result, the arising dynamism leads to uncertainties …
Designing real-time feedback for bidders in homogeneous-item continuous combinatorial auctions
Although combinatorial auctions are important mechanisms for many specialized
applications, their adoption in general-purpose marketplaces is still fairly limited, partly due …
applications, their adoption in general-purpose marketplaces is still fairly limited, partly due …
Fair resource allocation policies in reverse auction-based cloud market
The increasing number of Internet of Things (IoT) applications and their dependence on
cloud computing for computational services has resulted in the cloud market's growth. This …
cloud computing for computational services has resulted in the cloud market's growth. This …