[HTML][HTML] Review and validation of EnergyPLAN
Energy systems analyses are integrated elements in planning the transition towards
renewable energy-based energy systems. This is due to a growing complexity arising from …
renewable energy-based energy systems. This is due to a growing complexity arising from …
Grid integrated renewable DG systems: A review of power quality challenges and state‐of‐the‐art mitigation techniques
Increased energy demands due to rapid industrialization, environmental concerns with fossil
fuel–based generation, diminishing fossil energy resources, transmission network …
fuel–based generation, diminishing fossil energy resources, transmission network …
[HTML][HTML] Smart energy cities in a 100% renewable energy context
The transition towards renewable energy will operate on different geographical scales.
Many of the concrete steps will address the local level; however, these have to align with the …
Many of the concrete steps will address the local level; however, these have to align with the …
Review of energy system flexibility measures to enable high levels of variable renewable electricity
The paper reviews different approaches, technologies, and strategies to manage large-scale
schemes of variable renewable electricity such as solar and wind power. We consider both …
schemes of variable renewable electricity such as solar and wind power. We consider both …
4th Generation District Heating (4GDH): Integrating smart thermal grids into future sustainable energy systems
This paper defines the concept of 4th Generation District Heating (4GDH) including the
relations to District Cooling and the concepts of smart energy and smart thermal grids. The …
relations to District Cooling and the concepts of smart energy and smart thermal grids. The …
Combined heat and power dispatch considering pipeline energy storage of district heating network
The regional integration of variable wind power could be restricted by a strong coupling of
electric power generation dispatch and heat supply of combined heat-and-power (CHP) …
electric power generation dispatch and heat supply of combined heat-and-power (CHP) …
Smart Energy Systems for coherent 100% renewable energy and transport solutions
The hypothesis of this paper is that in order to identify least cost solutions of the integration
of fluctuating renewable energy sources into current or future 100% renewable energy …
of fluctuating renewable energy sources into current or future 100% renewable energy …
[HTML][HTML] New directions in the implementation of Pinch Methodology (PM)
Abstract The emergence of Pinch Analysis from more than four decades ago opened a new
area of intense research development that has even accelerated in recent years. Initially …
area of intense research development that has even accelerated in recent years. Initially …
[HTML][HTML] The role of natural gas and its infrastructure in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, improving regional air quality, and renewable resource integration
The pursuit of future energy systems that can meet electricity demands while supporting the
attainment of societal environment goals, including mitigating climate change and reducing …
attainment of societal environment goals, including mitigating climate change and reducing …
Rough deep neural architecture for short-term wind speed forecasting
Accurate wind speed forecasting is a fundamental requirement for large-scale integration of
wind power generation. However, the intermittent and stochastic nature of wind speed …
wind power generation. However, the intermittent and stochastic nature of wind speed …