Building mountain biodiversity: Geological and evolutionary processes
Mountain regions are unusually biodiverse, with rich aggregations of small-ranged species
that form centers of endemism. Mountains play an array of roles for Earth's biodiversity and …
that form centers of endemism. Mountains play an array of roles for Earth's biodiversity and …
Embracing mountain microbiome and ecosystem functions under global change
Mountains are pivotal to maintaining habitat heterogeneity, global biodiversity, ecosystem
functions and services to humans. They have provided classic model natural systems for …
functions and services to humans. They have provided classic model natural systems for …
The geography of climate and the global patterns of species diversity
Climate's effect on global biodiversity is typically viewed through the lens of temperature,
humidity and resulting ecosystem productivity,,,,–. However, it is not known whether …
humidity and resulting ecosystem productivity,,,,–. However, it is not known whether …
Ancient orogenic and monsoon-driven assembly of the world's richest temperate alpine flora
Origins of an alpine flora The evolution of high mountain floras is strongly influenced by
tectonic and climatic history. Ding et al. document the timing, tempo, and mode by which the …
tectonic and climatic history. Ding et al. document the timing, tempo, and mode by which the …
Vulnerability of global biodiversity hotspots to climate change
Motivation More than half of Earth's species are contained in a mere 1.4% of its land area,
but the climates of many of these biodiversity hotspots are projected to disappear as a …
but the climates of many of these biodiversity hotspots are projected to disappear as a …
Interspecific competition limits bird species' ranges in tropical mountains
Species' geographic ranges are limited by climate and species interactions. Climate is the
prevailing explanation for why species live only within narrow elevational ranges in …
prevailing explanation for why species live only within narrow elevational ranges in …
High aboveground carbon stock of African tropical montane forests
Tropical forests store 40–50 per cent of terrestrial vegetation carbon. However, spatial
variations in aboveground live tree biomass carbon (AGC) stocks remain poorly understood …
variations in aboveground live tree biomass carbon (AGC) stocks remain poorly understood …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing nature-based solutions for transformative change
Global sustainability targets demand transformative changes. Nature-based solutions (NbS)
are gaining traction in science and policy, but their potential for transformative change …
are gaining traction in science and policy, but their potential for transformative change …
Scientists' warning of threats to mountains
Mountains are an essential component of the global life-support system. They are
characterized by a rugged, heterogenous landscape with rapidly changing environmental …
characterized by a rugged, heterogenous landscape with rapidly changing environmental …
Drainage divide migration and implications for climate and biodiversity
Drainage divides separate Earth's surface into individual river basins. Divide migration
impacts the evolution of landforms, regional climate, ecosystems and biodiversity. In this …
impacts the evolution of landforms, regional climate, ecosystems and biodiversity. In this …