Chimeras are this year coming of age since they were first observed by Kuramoto and
Battogtokh in 2002 in a one-dimensional network of complex Ginzburg–Landau equations …
Battogtokh in 2002 in a one-dimensional network of complex Ginzburg–Landau equations …
Evolutionary potential games on lattices
G Szabó, I Borsos - Physics Reports, 2016 - Elsevier
Game theory provides a general mathematical background to study the effect of pair
interactions and evolutionary rules on the macroscopic behavior of multi-player games …
interactions and evolutionary rules on the macroscopic behavior of multi-player games …
Chimeralike states in a network of oscillators under attractive and repulsive global coupling
We report chimeralike states in an ensemble of oscillators using a type of global coupling
consisting of two components: attractive and repulsive mean-field feedback. We identify the …
consisting of two components: attractive and repulsive mean-field feedback. We identify the …
Chimera patterns induced by distance-dependent power-law coupling in ecological networks
This paper reports the occurrence of several chimera patterns and the associated transitions
among them in a network of coupled oscillators, which are connected by a long-range …
among them in a network of coupled oscillators, which are connected by a long-range …
Chimera states in networks of Van der Pol oscillators with hierarchical connectivities
Chimera states are complex spatio-temporal patterns that consist of coexisting domains of
coherent and incoherent dynamics. We analyse chimera states in ring networks of Van der …
coherent and incoherent dynamics. We analyse chimera states in ring networks of Van der …
The smallest chimera state for coupled pendula
Chimera states in the systems of coupled identical oscillators are spatiotemporal patterns in
which different groups of oscillators can exhibit coexisting synchronous and incoherent …
which different groups of oscillators can exhibit coexisting synchronous and incoherent …
Dynamical behavior and network analysis of an extended Hindmarsh–Rose neuron model
In this paper, the extended Hindmarsh–Rose neuron model, which considers the slow
intracellular exchange of calcium ions between its store and the cytoplasm, is studied. The …
intracellular exchange of calcium ions between its store and the cytoplasm, is studied. The …
Complex dynamics of a neuron model with discontinuous magnetic induction and exposed to external radiation
The last two decades have seen many literatures on the mathematical and computational
analysis of neuronal activities resulting in many mathematical models to describe neuron …
analysis of neuronal activities resulting in many mathematical models to describe neuron …
Chimera in a network of memristor-based Hopfield neural network
Memristors have shown great potential to yield novel features in various domains. Therefore,
memristor-based systems are being studied in widespread applications. In this paper, a …
memristor-based systems are being studied in widespread applications. In this paper, a …
Transition from chimera/solitary states to traveling waves
We study numerically the spatiotemporal dynamics in a ring network of nonlocally coupled
nonlinear oscillators, each represented by a two-dimensional discrete-time model of the …
nonlinear oscillators, each represented by a two-dimensional discrete-time model of the …