Social equity in the data era: A systematic literature review of data‐driven public service research
Governments increasingly rely on large amounts of data to deliver public services. In
response, there is a robust discussion about the implications of this trend for efficiency and …
response, there is a robust discussion about the implications of this trend for efficiency and …
Expungement of criminal convictions: An empirical study
JJ Prescott, SB Starr - Harv. L. Rev., 2019 - HeinOnline
REVIEW © 2020 by The Harvard Law Review Association ARTICLE EXPUNGEMENT OF …
REVIEW © 2020 by The Harvard Law Review Association ARTICLE EXPUNGEMENT OF …
Criminal record stigma and surveillance in the digital age
SE Lageson - Annual Review of Criminology, 2022 -
This review analyzes criminal record stigma and surveillance through the concept of digital
punishment: the collection and widespread dissemination of personally identifiable data by …
punishment: the collection and widespread dissemination of personally identifiable data by …
Beyond the eternal criminal record: Public support for expungement
Research Summary In The Eternal Criminal Record, James Jacobs detailed how it has
become increasingly difficult to escape the mark of a criminal record. One way to “wipe the …
become increasingly difficult to escape the mark of a criminal record. One way to “wipe the …
The labor market impacts of reducing felony convictions
We study the labor market impacts of retroactively reducing felonies to misdemeanors in San
Joaquin County, California, where criminal justice agencies implemented Proposition 47 …
Joaquin County, California, where criminal justice agencies implemented Proposition 47 …
Working after incarceration: An integrative framework of pre-and post-hire experiences of formerly incarcerated individuals
In this paper, we review literature that examines employment outcomes for people with
histories of incarceration. Previous research on formerly incarcerated individuals (FIIs) has …
histories of incarceration. Previous research on formerly incarcerated individuals (FIIs) has …
Can you erase the mark of a criminal record? labor market impacts of criminal record remediation
We investigate whether removing a previously-obtained criminal record improves
employment outcomes. We estimate the causal impact of criminal record remediation laws …
employment outcomes. We estimate the causal impact of criminal record remediation laws …
How generative AI can help address the access to justice gap through the courts
CV Chien, M Kim, A Raj, R Rathish - Loyola of Los Angeles Law …, 2024 -
The growth in popularity of generative AI and large language model (LLM) interfaces like
ChatGPT, Claude, and Bard has spurred interest and debate about the potential impacts of …
ChatGPT, Claude, and Bard has spurred interest and debate about the potential impacts of …
Generative AI and legal aid: Results from a field study and 100 use cases to bridge the access to justice gap
CV Chien, M Kim - Loy. LAL Rev., 2024 - HeinOnline
While Al technologies are increasing productivity across a wide variety of domains, their
distributional impacts remain uncertain. 1 This study considers the potential of Al tools to …
distributional impacts remain uncertain. 1 This study considers the potential of Al tools to …
The problem with criminal records: Discrepancies between state reports and private‐sector background checks
Criminal records are routinely used by employers and other institutional decision‐makers
who rely on their presumed fidelity to evaluate applicants. We analyze criminal records for a …
who rely on their presumed fidelity to evaluate applicants. We analyze criminal records for a …