Recent progress in the preparation, properties and applications of superhydrophobic nano-based coatings and surfaces: A review
With the recent progress in nanotechnology and material engineering, nano-based coatings
have become multifunctional, smarter, efficient, versatile and durable. Superhydrophobic …
have become multifunctional, smarter, efficient, versatile and durable. Superhydrophobic …
Superhydrophobic coatings for steel pipeline protection in oil and gas industries: A comprehensive review
Recently, there have been numerous deadly gas and oil pipeline explosions in the United
States, resulting in extensive investigations based on corrosion and aged foundations …
States, resulting in extensive investigations based on corrosion and aged foundations …
On effective properties of materials at the nano-and microscales considering surface effects
VA Eremeyev - Acta Mechanica, 2016 - Springer
In the last years, the rapid increase in the technical capability to control and design materials
at the nanoscale has pushed toward an intensive exploitation of new possibilities …
at the nanoscale has pushed toward an intensive exploitation of new possibilities …
Efficient surface modification of biomaterial to prevent biofilm formation and the attachment of microorganisms
Biomaterials play a fundamental role in disease management and the improvement of
health care. In recent years, there has been a significant growth in the diversity, function, and …
health care. In recent years, there has been a significant growth in the diversity, function, and …
A review of icing prevention in photovoltaic devices by surface engineering
RM Fillion, AR Riahi, A Edrisy - Renewable and Sustainable Energy …, 2014 - Elsevier
The renewable energy sector and the solar industry, more specifically, are expected to grow
in the upcoming years. However, in many colder climates worldwide, ice and snow …
in the upcoming years. However, in many colder climates worldwide, ice and snow …
Fabrication of bioinspired actuated nanostructures with arbitrary geometry and stiffness
B Pokroy, AK Epstein, M Persson-Gulda… - Adv. Mater …, 2009 - dash.lib.harvard.edu
Bio-inspired, multifunctional, high-aspect-ratio nanostructured surfaces are fabricated in a
variety of materials with controlled geometry and stiffness. A soft-lithography method that …
variety of materials with controlled geometry and stiffness. A soft-lithography method that …
Synthesis of fibrous complex structures: designing microstructure to deliver targeted macroscale response
F Dell'Isola, D Steigmann… - Applied …, 2015 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
In Mechanics, material properties are most often regarded as being given, and based on
this, many technical solutions are usually conceived and constructed. However, nowadays …
this, many technical solutions are usually conceived and constructed. However, nowadays …
Rapid microwave synthesis of fluorescent hydrophobic carbon dots
Fluorescent hydrophobic carbon dots (HCDs) have been fabricated from a poloxamer by a
simple microwave assisted process within a few minutes for the first time. Small and distinct …
simple microwave assisted process within a few minutes for the first time. Small and distinct …
Do bacteria differentiate between degrees of nanoscale surface roughness?
Whereas the employment of nanotechnology in electronics and optics engineering is
relatively well established, the use of nanostructured materials in medicine and biology is …
relatively well established, the use of nanostructured materials in medicine and biology is …
Fabrication of superhydrophobic coatings with self-cleaning properties on cotton fabric based on Octa vinyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane …
Hypothesis Wetting behavior of solid surfaces plays an important role in various industrials
and even daily life applications. Controlling the surface wettability through fabricating …
and even daily life applications. Controlling the surface wettability through fabricating …