Landslide response to climate change in permafrost regions
Rapid permafrost thaw in the high-latitude and high-elevation areas increases hillslope
susceptibility to landsliding by altering geotechnical properties of hillslope materials …
susceptibility to landsliding by altering geotechnical properties of hillslope materials …
High‐latitude dust in the Earth system
Natural dust is often associated with hot, subtropical deserts, but significant dust events have
been reported from cold, high latitudes. This review synthesizes current understanding of …
been reported from cold, high latitudes. This review synthesizes current understanding of …
Glacier shrinkage driving global changes in downstream systems
Glaciers cover∼ 10% of the Earth's land surface, but they are shrinking rapidly across most
parts of the world, leading to cascading impacts on downstream systems. Glaciers impart …
parts of the world, leading to cascading impacts on downstream systems. Glaciers impart …
Climate change and alpine stream biology: progress, challenges, and opportunities for the future
In alpine regions worldwide, climate change is dramatically altering ecosystems and
affecting biodiversity in many ways. For streams, receding alpine glaciers and snowfields …
affecting biodiversity in many ways. For streams, receding alpine glaciers and snowfields …
Spatiotemporal remote sensing of ecosystem change and causation across Alaska
Contemporary climate change in Alaska has resulted in amplified rates of press and pulse
disturbances that drive ecosystem change with significant consequences for socio …
disturbances that drive ecosystem change with significant consequences for socio …
Biogeomorphology: Past, present and future
H Viles - Geomorphology, 2020 - Elsevier
Since the 1970s there has been a considerable expansion in biogeomorphological research
which considers the complex, two-way relationships between biological, ecological and …
which considers the complex, two-way relationships between biological, ecological and …
How allogenic factors affect succession in glacier forefields
In glacier forefields, the chronosequence approach is used to investigate ecological,
biogeochemical and physical features of autogenic successional change as a function of …
biogeochemical and physical features of autogenic successional change as a function of …
[HTML][HTML] Mountain glacier-to-rock glacier transition
In many of the world's high mountain systems, glacier recession in response to climate
change is accompanied by a paraglacial response whereby glaciers are undergoing a …
change is accompanied by a paraglacial response whereby glaciers are undergoing a …
Local environmental context drives heterogeneity of early succession dynamics in alpine glacier forefields
Glacier forefields have long provided ecologists with a model to study patterns of plant
succession following glacier retreat. While plant-survey-based approaches applied along …
succession following glacier retreat. While plant-survey-based approaches applied along …
Retreating ice: Research in pro‐glacial areas matters
Glacier forefields are landscapes in transition from glacial to non‐glacial conditions; this
implies intense geomorphic, hydrological and ecological dynamics with important on‐and off …
implies intense geomorphic, hydrological and ecological dynamics with important on‐and off …