Influence of smart mobile banking services on senior banks' clients intention to use: moderating role of digital accounting

AM Qatawneh, MH Makhlouf - Global Knowledge, Memory and …, 2023 -
Purpose The current study aims to examine the influence of smart mobile banking services
(SMBS) on senior clients' intention to use banking applications through the moderating role …

Socio-economic characteristics, mobile phone ownership and banking behaviour of individuals as determinants of digital financial inclusion in India

J Ali, AK Ghildiyal - International Journal of Social Economics, 2023 -
Socio-economic characteristics, mobile phone ownership and banking behaviour of
individuals as determinants of digital financial inclusion in India | Emerald Insight Books and …

Evaluating the perceived quality of mobile banking applications in croatia: an empirical study

T Orehovački, L Blašković, M Kurevija - Future Internet, 2022 -
Mobile banking is nowadays a standard service provided by banks worldwide because it
adds convenience for people. There is no more rushing to a bank or waiting in lines for a …

The antecedents of mobile banking adoption among senior citizens in Malaysia

S Andalib Touchaei… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The use of mobile banking is growing globally. However, the adoption of mobile banking
has been sluggish among senior population. Seniors has become a significant market …

Determinants of mobile application adoption among micro-entrepreneurs

EI Slinger, S Pather, M du Plessis - South African Journal of …, 2024 -
Background Since the onset of the global pandemic, unemployment has increased to new
levels. As a consequence, the need to stimulate economic growth through the development …

Dimensions of brand equity for the banking sector: A study in the elderly segment

CE López-Rodríguez… - Journal of International …, 2023 -
The main objective of this research was to construct and validate an instrument to measure
the value dimensions of banking brands in the elderly segment. For this purpose, a …

A financial inclusion app and USSD service for farmers in rural Colombia

NA Nova, RA González - Information Development, 2023 -
This study reports the implementation of a financial inclusion app for farmers in rural
Colombia. Stemming from the triple helix initiative, this study aims to make public financing …

Later life ICT learners ageing well

H Russell - International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 2011 -
This article is based on a qualitative study of later life computer learners and their learning
experiences in Sydney, Australia. Participants who undertook lessons from peer tutors in …

Socio-technical systems: using actor-network theory to make the social more tangible in a technical space

NP Gumede, B Tladi - South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2023 -
In technical spaces, the social can be seen as incidental (a distant factor to be monitored for
avoidable negative impact), inaccessible (something to be assigned to someone with …

Концептуальные основы применения современных финансовых технологий в российской промышленности

НА Харитонова, ЕН Харитонова… - … /Russian Journal of …, 2021 -
Аннотация В статье представлена авторская позиция в отношении применения
современных финансовых технологий (FinTech) в практике управления …