Polariton panorama

DN Basov, A Asenjo-Garcia, PJ Schuck, X Zhu… - …, 2020 - degruyter.com
In this brief review, we summarize and elaborate on some of the nomenclature of polaritonic
phenomena and systems as they appear in the literature on quantum materials and …

[HTML][HTML] Recent advances in Wigner function approaches

J Weinbub, DK Ferry - Applied Physics Reviews, 2018 - pubs.aip.org
The Wigner function was formulated in 1932 by Eugene Paul Wigner, at a time when
quantum mechanics was in its infancy. In doing so, he brought phase space representations …

The 2019 surface acoustic waves roadmap

P Delsing, AN Cleland, MJA Schuetz… - Journal of Physics D …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
Today, surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and bulk acoustic waves are already two of the very
few phononic technologies of industrial relevance and can been found in a myriad of …

What limits the simulation of quantum computers?

Y Zhou, EM Stoudenmire, X Waintal - Physical Review X, 2020 - APS
An ultimate goal of quantum computing is to perform calculations beyond the reach of any
classical computer. It is therefore imperative that useful quantum computers be very difficult …

Charging and energy fluctuations of a driven quantum battery

A Crescente, M Carrega, M Sassetti… - New Journal of …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
We consider a quantum battery modelled as a set of N independent two-level quantum
systems driven by a time dependent classical source. Different figures of merit, such as …

Coulomb-mediated antibunching of an electron pair surfing on sound

J Wang, H Edlbauer, A Richard, S Ota, W Park… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
Electron flying qubits are envisioned as potential information links within a quantum
computer, but also promise—like photonic approaches—to serve as self-standing quantum …

Semiconductor-based electron flying qubits: review on recent progress accelerated by numerical modelling

H Edlbauer, J Wang, T Crozes, P Perrier… - EPJ Quantum …, 2022 - epjqt.epj.org
The progress of charge manipulation in semiconductor-based nanoscale devices opened
up a novel route to realise a flying qubit with a single electron. In the present review, we …

The quantum house of cards

X Waintal - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024 - pnas.org
Quantum computers have been proposed to solve a number of important problems such as
discovering new drugs, new catalysts for fertilizer production, breaking encryption protocols …

Two electrons interacting at a mesoscopic beam splitter

N Ubbelohde, L Freise, E Pavlovska… - Nature …, 2023 - nature.com
The nonlinear response of a beam splitter to the coincident arrival of interacting particles
enables numerous applications in quantum engineering and metrology. Yet, it poses …

A tunable Fabry–Pérot quantum Hall interferometer in graphene

C Déprez, L Veyrat, H Vignaud, G Nayak… - Nature …, 2021 - nature.com
Electron interferometry with quantum Hall (QH) edge channels in semiconductor
heterostructures can probe and harness the exchange statistics of anyonic excitations …