Wordform similarity increases with semantic similarity: An analysis of 100 languages

I Dautriche, K Mahowald, E Gibson… - Cognitive …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Although the map** between form and meaning is often regarded as arbitrary, there are in
fact well‐known constraints on words which are the result of functional pressures associated …

SAND: a Screening for Aphasia in NeuroDegeneration. Development and normative data

E Catricalà, E Gobbi, P Battista, A Miozzo, C Polito… - Neurological …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract Language assessment has a critical role in the clinical diagnosis of
neurodegenerative diseases, in particular, in the case of Primary Progressive Aphasia …

Commonalities in alpha and beta neural desynchronizations during prediction in language comprehension and production

S Gastaldon, G Arcara, E Navarrete, F Peressotti - Cortex, 2020 - Elsevier
The present study investigates whether predictions during language comprehension are
generated by engaging the language production system. Previous studies investigating …

Understanding with the body? Testing the role of verb relative embodiment across tasks at the interface of language and memory

F Frau, L Bischetti, L Campidelli, E Tonini… - Journal of Memory and …, 2025 - Elsevier
Multiple representation accounts of conceptual knowledge argue that information associated
with sensory-motor experience, in addition to pure linguistic information, contributes to word …

Orthography-induced length contrasts in the second language phonological systems of L2 speakers of English: Evidence from minimal pairs

B Bassetti, M Sokolović-Perović… - Language and …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Research shows that the orthographic forms (“spellings”) of second language (L2) words
affect speech production in L2 speakers. This study investigated whether English …

Syllables and their beginnings have a special role in the mental lexicon

Y Sun, D Poeppel - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023 - pnas.org
The beginnings of words are, in some informal sense, special. This intuition is widely
shared, for example, when playing word games. Less apparent is whether the intuition is …

DerIvaTario: An annotated lexicon of Italian derivatives

L Talamo, C Celata, PM Bertinetto - Word Structure, 2016 - euppublishing.com
We propose an annotation schema for derivational morphology featuring morphological,
morphotactic and morphosemantic information concerning the base of the derivative as well …

Comparing phoneme frequency, age of acquisition, and loss in aphasia: Implications for phonological universals

C Romani, C Galuzzi, C Guariglia… - Cognitive …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Phonological complexity may be central to the nature of human language. It may shape the
distribution of phonemes and phoneme sequences within languages, but also determine …

Ty** pictures: Linguistic processing cascades into finger movements

M Scaltritti, B Arfe, M Torrance, F Peressotti - Cognition, 2016 - Elsevier
The present study investigated the effect of psycholinguistic variables on measures of
response latency and mean interkeystroke interval in a typewritten picture naming task, with …

[HTML][HTML] Redefining the decisional components of motor responses: Evidence from lexical and object decision tasks.

M Scaltritti, F Giacomoni, R Job… - Journal of Experimental …, 2023 - psycnet.apa.org
Abstract Models of decision making focusing on two-alternative choices have classically
described motor-response execution as a nondecisional stage that serially follows the …