A review of bycatch reduction in demersal fish trawls
Otter trawling for fish is one of the world's most productive yet problematic fishing methods
due to its bycatch and discards; issues that have been mitigated in some fisheries by …
due to its bycatch and discards; issues that have been mitigated in some fisheries by …
Gillnet selectivity and its relationship with body shape for eight freshwater fish species
J Carol, E García‐Berthou - Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Knowledge of the size‐selectivity of fishing gear types is crucial to fisheries management
and ecology. The gillnet selectivity of most freshwater fish is poorly known. We caught 694 …
and ecology. The gillnet selectivity of most freshwater fish is poorly known. We caught 694 …
Gill-net selectivity off the Portuguese western coast
P Fonseca, R Martins, A Campos, P Sobral - Fisheries Research, 2005 - Elsevier
Fishing with experimental gill-nets was carried out during 1994 and 1995 off the western
coast of Portugal, using mesh sizes between 40 and 90mm. Most sets were concentrated in …
coast of Portugal, using mesh sizes between 40 and 90mm. Most sets were concentrated in …
Selectivity of standard, narrow and square mesh panel trawl codends for hake (Merluccius merluccius) and poor cod (Trisopterus minutus capelanus)
The selectivity of 3 trawl codends,(1) a commercially used standard codend,(2) a narrow
codend (100 meshes on its circumference instead of 200) and (3) a square mesh top panel …
codend (100 meshes on its circumference instead of 200) and (3) a square mesh top panel …
Potential use of a Nordmøre grid for by-catch reduction in a Portuguese bottom-trawl multispecies fishery
The bottom-trawl fishery in Portuguese continental waters is a multi-species one targeting
benthic, demersal and pelagic fish, and cephalopods, where the blue whiting …
benthic, demersal and pelagic fish, and cephalopods, where the blue whiting …
Somatic condition, growth and reproduction of hake, Merluccius merluccius L., in the Portuguese coast
AM Costa - Open Journal of Marine Science, 2013 - scirp.org
Weight/length relationships, condition factor, gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices,
conversion factor for gutted to total weight and spawning season of hake in the Portuguese …
conversion factor for gutted to total weight and spawning season of hake in the Portuguese …
Length–girth relationships for 30 marine fish species
This study reports the estimated relationships between body length and girths (head and
maximum) for 30 commercially important marine fish species from the Algarve coast …
maximum) for 30 commercially important marine fish species from the Algarve coast …
Selectivity of diamond, square and hexagonal mesh codends for Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus, European hake Merluccius merluccius, and greater …
Knowledge on selectivity is considered essential for an adequate management of the trawl
fishery. This paper compares the selectivity of conventionally used codends of 44 mm …
fishery. This paper compares the selectivity of conventionally used codends of 44 mm …
Feeding habits of Pagellus acarne (Sparidae) in the Gulf of Tunis, central Mediterranean
R Fehri-Bedoui, E Mokrani… - Scientia …, 2009 - scientiamarina.revistas.csic.es
The feeding habits of the axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1810), from the Gulf of
Tunis were investigated in relation to season, sex and fish size (juveniles TL< 14.5 cm and …
Tunis were investigated in relation to season, sex and fish size (juveniles TL< 14.5 cm and …
Selectivity of 40 mm square and 50 mm diamond mesh codends for five species in the Eastern Mediterranean demersal trawl fishery
The aim of this study was to determine the selectivity of 40 mm square (40S) and 50 mm
diamond (50D) mesh codend for five species, red mullet (Mullus barbatus), annular sea …
diamond (50D) mesh codend for five species, red mullet (Mullus barbatus), annular sea …