Водная безопасность в контексте устойчивого управления трансграничными водными ресурсами в Каспийском регионе

РА Алиев - Вестник МГИМО-Университета, 2023 - vestnik.mgimo.ru
Аннотация В статье рассматриваются вопросы обеспечения водной безопасности
стран Каспийского региона в рамках формирования комплексного подхода к …

Understanding Norms, Norm Clusters and Robustness at Different Levels of Global Governance

C Funke, D Dijkzeul - Disability Inclusion in Humanitarian Crises: Robust …, 2025 - Springer
This chapter develops a theoretical framework and methods for studying disability inclusion
at different levels of global governance based on different strands of IR norm theory. It also …

Academic Diplomacy in Russia's Relations with Pacific Asia

A Baykov, E Koldunova - The “Asian Turn” in Russian Foreign Policy, 2024 - Springer
The majority of existing studies usually consider mainly strategic, geopolitical, or economic
aspects of Russia's turn to the East. Humanitarian contacts and public diplomacy, including …

Water Security in the Context of Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Caspian Region

R Aliev - 2023 - open.mgimo.ru
The paper examines water security in the Caspian region and the management of
transboundary rivers for sustainable development. It analyzes the potential impacts of …


S Saber, M Khan