Automatic software production system

J Iborra, O Pastor - US Patent 7,137,100, 2006 - Google Patents
US7137100B2 - Automatic software production system - Google Patents US7137100B2 -
Automatic software production system - Google Patents Automatic software production system …

Method and apparatus for automatic generation of information system user interfaces

PJ Molina-Moreno, O Pastor-Lopez… - US Patent …, 2008 - Google Patents
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/872,413, interface. The semantics of the
objects in the user interface? led on Jun. 1, 2001, noW Pat. No. 7,278,130, Which model …

Method and apparatus for automatic generation of information system user interfaces

PJ Molina-Moreno, O Pastor-Lopez… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
CD-R compact discs each containing an assembly code listing in Microsoft Word format
having the file name ASM. TXT. DOC and a size of 40.1 MB is appended hereto and …

Analyzing consistency of security policies

L Cholvy, F Cuppens - … . 1997 IEEE Symposium on Security and …, 1997 -
We discuss the development of a methodology for reasoning about properties of security
policies. We view a security policy as a special case of regulation which specifies what …

Model-based user interface engineering with design patterns

S Ahmed, G Ashraf - Journal of Systems and Software, 2007 - Elsevier
The main idea surrounding model-based UI (User Interface) development is to identify
useful abstractions that highlight the core aspects and properties of an interactive system …

Automatic software production system

J Iborra, O Pastor - US Patent 7,278,130, 2007 - Google Patents
US7278130B2 - Automatic software production system - Google Patents US7278130B2 -
Automatic software production system - Google Patents Automatic software production system …

Automatic software production system

J Iborra, O Pastor - US Patent 8,245,183, 2012 - Google Patents
US8245183B2 - Automatic software production system - Google Patents US8245183B2 -
Automatic software production system - Google Patents Automatic software production system …

Transformation templates: adding flexibility to model-driven engineering of user interfaces

N Aquino, J Vanderdonckt, O Pastor - … of the 2010 ACM symposium on …, 2010 -
Model-based user interface (UI) development environments are aimed at generating one or
many UIs from one or many models. Model-driven engineering (MDE) of UIs is assumed to …

Evaluating user interface generation approaches: model-based versus model-driven development

J Ruiz, E Serral, M Snoeck - Software & Systems Modeling, 2019 - Springer
Advances in software design possibilities have led to a growing interest in the study of user
interfaces (UIs). Many Model-Based User Interface Development Environments (MB-UIDEs) …

Early usability evaluation in model driven architecture environments

S Abrahao, E Insfran - 2006 Sixth International Conference on …, 2006 -
Due to the increasing interest in the model driven architecture (MDA) paradigm, the
conceptual models have become the backbone of the software development process. So far …