Symmetry analysis of light-induced magnetic interactions via Floquet engineering

R Yambe, S Hayami - Physical Review B, 2023‏ - APS
Anisotropic magnetic interactions become the origins of intriguing magnetic structures, such
as helical and skyrmion structures by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. In general …

Scalar spin chirality induced by a circularly polarized electric field in a classical kagome magnet

R Yambe, S Hayami - Physical Review B, 2024‏ - APS
Noncoplanar magnetic states with a scalar spin chirality have been intensively studied in
condensed matter physics, since they exhibit fascinating physical phenomena. We …

Comparing the influence of Floquet dynamics in various Kitaev-Heisenberg materials

P Strobel, M Daghofer - Physical Review B, 2022‏ - APS
In this paper we examine the possibility of Floquet engineering in the three candidate Kitaev
materials Na 2 IrO 3, α-Li 2 IrO 3, and α-RuCl 3. We derive an effective Floquet Hamiltonian …

Symmetry-protected difference between spin Hall and anomalous Hall effects of a periodically driven multiorbital metal

N Arakawa, K Yonemitsu - Communications Physics, 2023‏ -
Nonequilibrium quantum states can be controlled via the driving field in periodically driven
systems. Such control, which is called Floquet engineering, has opened various …

From linear to circular polarized light: Floquet engineering in Kitaev-Heisenberg materials with Lissajous figures

P Strobel, M Daghofer - Physical Review B, 2023‏ - APS
This paper discusses Floquet engineering with arbitrary polarization in α-RuCl 3. We
describe the influence of arbitrary polarization and the limiting cases of linear and circular …

Photoinduced Pseudospin Polarization in a Three-Orbital Hubbard Model

K Yonemitsu - Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 2022‏ -
In a Hubbard model for the Kitaev spin-liquid candidate material α-RuCl3 with three t 2 g
orbitals per Ru site, we calculate photoinduced dynamics based on the exact …